Tag Archives: Nikos Romanos

Koridallos prisons: Anarchists Andreas-Dimitris Bourzoukos and Dimitris Politis announce hunger strike (en/es/it/gr)


Imprisoned comrades Andreas-Dimitris Bourzoukos and Dimitris Politis (convicted over the Velventos double robbery case) announced their hunger strike in solidarity with Nikos Romanos. Below are excerpts of their statement:

Our friend and comrade Nikos Romanos is on hunger strike since the 10th of November, claiming educational furloughs from prison to which he’s entitled under their own laws. […]
Continue reading Koridallos prisons: Anarchists Andreas-Dimitris Bourzoukos and Dimitris Politis announce hunger strike (en/es/it/gr)

Text of K.Gournas in solidarity with hunger striker N.Romanos – Athens – Greece (en(gr)


Translated by Act for freedom now!
Solidarity to Nikos Romanos

The modern totem of the far-right narrative that dominates in political
life today is the invocation of legitimacy.
Continue reading Text of K.Gournas in solidarity with hunger striker N.Romanos – Athens – Greece (en(gr)

Atene: Attaccata la sede del partito di governo Nea Dimokratia

Geschichte / Deutschland / 20. Jh. / Nachkriegszeit: Berlin 1945-49 / Bevölkerung / Alltag / Straßenleben / 1946-49

La mattina di mercoledì 19 novembre abbiamo visitato la locale sede di ‘Nuova Democrazia’, nel distretto di Ampelokipi (situato tra la questura di polizia e il commissariato di Ampelokipi), affinché si “senta chiaro” in tutta la zona la nostra solidarietà con gli scioperanti della fame Nikos Romanos e Iraklis Kostaris e con la loro esigenza di far valere il diritto all’istruzione e alle uscite dal carcere a cui hanno diritto, ma che non gli viene concesso dal consiglio di carcere di Koridallos e da un burocrate giudiziario chiamato Eftichis Nikopoulos.
Continue reading Atene: Attaccata la sede del partito di governo Nea Dimokratia

Athens: String of arson attacks in solidarity with hunger striker Nikos Romanos (en/es)


“At least we are still implacable and strong-willed like the people of our kind. And those of us who closed their eyes in pain and traveled far continue to keep their eyes glued to that night sky we used to observe, too. And they watch us fall, beautiful and shining stars. Now it’s our turn. Now, without hesitation, we fall.”
Continue reading Athens: String of arson attacks in solidarity with hunger striker Nikos Romanos (en/es)

Grecia: Atacadas las instalaciones del Consejo Legal del Estado en Heraclión


La madrugada del sábado, 29 de noviembre de 2014, atacamos las instalaciones del Consejo Legal del Estado en la ciudad de Heraclión, en la isla de Creta. Reventamos la fachada y las ventanas del primer piso y arrojamos bombas de tinta al exterior y al interior del edificio.
Continue reading Grecia: Atacadas las instalaciones del Consejo Legal del Estado en Heraclión

$hile: Llamado a un diciembre negro en memoria de Sebastián Oversluij. (Reivindicación quema de Transantiago) es/it


Este viernes 28 de Noviembre hemos decidido atacar un recorrido del transporte público con la finalidad de llamar a un diciembre negro de acciones y gestos solidarios en memoria del compañero anarquista Sebastián Oversluij, asesinado en una expropiación bancaria fallida el día 11 de diciembre del 2013. Una vez que la micro se encontraba en llamas arrojamos pirotecnia para que nuestra rabia y rebeldía destellara con más fuerza. Con esta acción también buscamos solidarizar con la compañera Tamara Sol Vergara que actualmente se encuentra secuestrada en manos del poder. Esta es nuestra forma de decir que ninguno de nuestros muertos y presos está olvidado, que por cada golpe del enemigo la rabia se multiplica y se expresa en certeras acciones contra el poder.
Continue reading $hile: Llamado a un diciembre negro en memoria de Sebastián Oversluij. (Reivindicación quema de Transantiago) es/it

Volos, Greece: Night attack on police station (en/es)


Last night, November 29th, thirty anarchists simply and nicely attacked the police station of Aghios Nikolaos district in Volos with stones and paint, shouting slogans in solidarity with anarchist hunger striker Nikos Romanos.

DIAS motocycle cops were lucky that they panicky left.

Solidarity is factual and aggressive.

They should no longer sleep peacefully.

Nikos, hold on until freedom.
Continue reading Volos, Greece: Night attack on police station (en/es)

Athens: Attacks in solidarity with Nikos Romanos and Yannis Michailidis (en/es)


At daybreak of the 23rd of November 2014, we torched an ATM of the Piraeus Bank located at Canningos Square (central Athens). Four days later, in the early morning of November 27th, we left explosive material at the front door of the Hellenic Post (ELTA) branch situated in the district of Pefki. These acts were carried out as a display of solidarity with the hunger strikers Nikos Romanos and Yannis Michailidis.
Continue reading Athens: Attacks in solidarity with Nikos Romanos and Yannis Michailidis (en/es)

Athens: Updates on anarchist hunger strikers Yannis Michailidis and Nikos Romanos (en/es)


Anarchist prisoner Nikos Romanos is on hunger strike since November 10, 2014, requesting to make use of educational furloughs from prison, to which he is entitled since September 2014. Nikos is currently in Athens general hospital Gennimatas, under a strong custody of the police. Physician Pantelia (Lina) Vergopoulou, who visited him today 28/11, reports that the comrade remains in a critical condition, threatened with life-threatening complications. Late at night over 200 comrades and friends of Nikos gathered once again opposite the hospital to send their direct solidarity (audio).
Continue reading Athens: Updates on anarchist hunger strikers Yannis Michailidis and Nikos Romanos (en/es)