Presentiamo la lettera di A.D.Bourzoukos, uno dei 4 compagni anarchici arrestati il 1 febbraio 2013 per la doppia rapina realizzata nella località di Velvedo.
Continue reading Lettera del prigioniero anarchico Andreas-Dimitris Bourzoukos (grecia-2013)
Tag Archives: Nikos Romanos
Athens, Greece: Insurrectionalist anarchist Nikos Romanos is on hunger strike from today 10.11.14
Act for freedom now receives and translates this letter from our anarchist comrade Nikos Romanos held captive in Korydallos prison, Athens
Asphyxiation for a breath of freedom
Last spring I sat university entrance exams from inside prison and got admitted to a university in Athens. Based on their laws, therefore, as of September 2014, I am eligible for educational furloughs from prison in order to attend the classes.
Greek prisons: Anarchist comrade Nikos Romanos declares hunger strike from November 10th, 2014 (en/es/pt/gr)
Asphyxiating for a breath of freedom.
Last spring, I sat university entrance exams from inside the prison and got admitted to a faculty in Athens. According to their laws, since September 2014, I am eligible for educational furloughs to regularly attend classes from the beginning of the term.
Continue reading Greek prisons: Anarchist comrade Nikos Romanos declares hunger strike from November 10th, 2014 (en/es/pt/gr)
Many individuals gathered in the special court room of Koridallos
prisons today 1.10.14 to show their solidarity to the comrades who were being
Greece: Strength to anarchist Nikos Maziotis, arrested in Athens on 16/7
n the evening of July 16th, 2014 comrades put up a solidarity banner at the gate of the Polytechnic School, on Patission Street, in response to the fact that Revolutionary Struggle member Nikos Maziotis was recaptured by police in central Athens.
Anarchist Nikos Maziotis, who was on the run for two years, was seriously wounded and arrested today after a shootout with cops in Monastiraki. He was then transferred to the tightly-guarded Evangelismos hospital, where he remains hospitalized. According to his lawyer, the comrade’s life is out of danger.
Update on the trial of the Velvedo robbery case – Athens – Greece (en/it)
Translated by Act for freedom now!
Update on the trial of the Velvedo robbery case.
On July 4th continued the terror-court in Koridallos for the robbery in
Velvedo, with the reading out of the indictment documents, a procedure
that began in the previous session. Two sessions came before that, in
which the witnesses that were examined were the cops of the DIAS group and
cops from the cop car that sped to arrest comrades G.Mihailidis, N.Romanos
and A.D.Bourzouko. All these witnesses, in order to cover the torturing
that took place in Veria police station, testified that in order to
immobilize the comrades they clashed with them and in the scuffle the
comrades were injured.
Continue reading Update on the trial of the Velvedo robbery case – Athens – Greece (en/it)
Grecia. La Beligerancia de la dignidad. Escrito de Nikos Romanos
La beligerancia de la dignidad
“Y una vez voy a deciros cuanto os amaba, lo único es que tenéis que encontrarme a mi personalmente.Así como el verdugo …regaba yo las rosas de compasión mientras que ellos dormían, yo, enfermo por convicción, un genio del sufrimiento (que una vez me pegué un tiro en la cabeza por una época más hermosa) y tal vez nuestras lágrimas irán más lejos que nuestros sueños.
Continue reading Grecia. La Beligerancia de la dignidad. Escrito de Nikos Romanos
Nuevo texto de compañero anarquista preso Nikos Romanos
carta de compañero preso |
La beligerancia de la dignidad
“Y una vez voy a deciros cuanto os amaba, lo único es que tenéis que encontrarme a mi personalmente. Así como el verdugo …regaba yo las rosas de compasión mientras que ellos dormían, yo, enfermo por convicción, un genio del sufrimiento (que una vez me pegué un tiro en la cabeza por una época más hermosa) y tal vez nuestras lágrimas irán más lejos que nuestros sueños. |
Reverse Countdown – Hunger Strike
Nikos Romanos
This text [1] does not contain complete placements around the matters it grapples. It publicly places thoughts, conclusions and findings. It aims at giving food for thought and desire for action. Until next time.
To new comrades
If something stresses us and troubles us, besides the deprivation of our freedom, it is our worry if the life we gave and give to the struggle, will touch some at the degree we desire.
Continue reading Reverse Countdown – Hunger Strike
Greece : Letter from anarchist comrades arrested in Velvedo Kozani concerning their trial which begins on 29/11/13 (en/it/fr)
The 29th of November has been set as our court date for the double robbery in Velvedo Kozani. The trial will take place in the female section of Koridallos prisons and not -as it was first announced to us- at the Appellate on Loukareos street. The courtroom, this sacred brothel of justice, was always the space where the ruling class -authority- had to prove its dominance against the “illegals” of this state.
Continue reading Greece : Letter from anarchist comrades arrested in Velvedo Kozani concerning their trial which begins on 29/11/13 (en/it/fr)