Tag Archives: Nikos Romanos

Greek prisons: Nikos Romanos’ request for educational leave denied for the umpteenth time


On June 12th 2015, comrades in solidarity with anarchist prisoner Nikos Romanos reported that the Koridallos prison board – the prosecutor Nikolaos Poimenidis, the prison director Charalambia Koutsomichali, and the social work assistant Vassiliki Fragathoula – unanimously rejected the comrade’s request for educational leave, and instead proposed to “facilitate” distance learning examinations inside the Second Chance School of Koridallos prison. The prison board claimed to have based their decision largely on the fact that the special appellate judge Eftichis Nikopoulos recently rejected the possibility of granting Romanos educational furloughs from prison.

Grecia,15 Marzo: Testo di Nikos Romanos sullo sciopero della fame dei prigionieri politici (it/en/gr/fr)

machorka and dog

Grecia,15 Marzo: Testo di Nikos Romanos sullo sciopero della fame dei prigionieri politici
Il 2 marzo, anarchici/prigionieri politici hanno iniziato uno sciopero della fame con richieste riguardo il contesto repressivo della crociata contro il terrorismo che sta andando avanti senza intoppi, nonostante il governo di sinistra dei venditori di speranze. I compagni anarchici coinvolti nella Rete dei Prigionieri in lotta ( Network of Fighting Prisoners,NFP) e i compagni Maziotis, Gournas e Koufodinas hanno fatto un quadro generale che descrive lo sviluppo della repressione in questi ultimi anni. Ecco perché ognuna delle loro richieste scompone in parti distinte il regime di emergenza e la sua espressione di base, che non è altro che la repressione. Dopo l’elezione di SY.RIZ.A molti compagni – me incluso – credevano che ci fosse bisogno di provocare, da una prospettiva anarchica, per costringere SY.RI.ZA a rivelare il suo vero volto. Il volto del capitalismo, il volto del manager dei poteri moderni, il volto del servo del capitale. Inoltre, a questa mascherata con ospiti di tutte le epoche storiche, gli spettatori sono costretti a scoprire che sotto tutte le maschere si nasconde la faccia del potere, che non può essere né migliorato né riformato, solo distrutto, con una lotta continua con ogni mezzo. E si faccia sentire questo a tutti quegli anarchici che si sono trascinati alle urne per esprimere un voto a SY.RIZ.A .
Continue reading Grecia,15 Marzo: Testo di Nikos Romanos sullo sciopero della fame dei prigionieri politici (it/en/gr/fr)

Greece: Text by Nikos Romanos about the hunger strike of political prisoners


On March 2, Anarchists/political prisoners began a hunger strike with demands aiming the suppressive context of the counter-terrorist crusade that goes on smoothly, despite the left governance of the traders of hope. The anarchist comrades involved in the Network of Fighting Prisones (NFP) and comrades Maziotis, Koufodinas and Gournas have put in a general framework that depicts the development of repression in recent years. That’s why each one of their demands separately deconstructs the emergency regime and its basic expression which is none other than repression. After SY.RIZ.A was elected many comrades -including me- believed that there was a need for provocations from anarchist perspective in order to force SYRIZA to reveal its real face. The face of capitalism, the face of the manager of modern powers, the face of the servant of capital. Besides, to this masquarade with guests from all historical periods, viewers are forced to discover that beneath all the masks hides face of power, wich can neither be improved nor reformed, only destroyed, with continuous struggle by all means. And let all those anarchists that were dragged to the polls to cast a vote in SY.RIZ.A hear this.
Continue reading Greece: Text by Nikos Romanos about the hunger strike of political prisoners



I am writing this text to critically evaluate the struggle we carried out, as it is an important legacy that needs to be analysed so that we can use it as a strategy compass for the hard days ahead.
The State, aware of the political defeat it suffered, is counter-attacking on other fronts of the struggle, so the continuation of a coordination based on specific agreements is necessary. Not only as a defensive battle position but as a conscious possibility of re-entering the chessboard with assertion as some comrades have rightly said.
During the hunger strike the State weighed up what the political cost of my possible extermination would be; the more the multi-form solidarity movement strengthened, the more the State changed its rhetoric. In brief we can say that the chameleons of government policies changed colour four times. From provocative indifference to superiority, then to a show of power, followed by panic. But let me be more specific.
 “Provocative indifference”


Greece: Text by Nikos Romanos that was read during a solidarity event by VOX squat (09-01-2015)

Good evening comrades.

I am glad to be here with you today in this event that takes place in particularly difficult times especially for political prisoners who are targeted by repression. It has been said many times but it’s worth to say it again that such events are some of the very few beautiful moments for those in captivity because they feel that even for a few hours they are connected with their comrades outside the walls in a vibrant conversation that brakies the isolation imposed on us by the state. This is why I want to thank all the comrades who contributed in making this event happen. I also want to send my solidarity to the people arrested from Distomo [1].
Continue reading Greece: Text by Nikos Romanos that was read during a solidarity event by VOX squat (09-01-2015)

Text by Nikos Romanos in solidarity with Dimitris Ch. (en/gr)


Since recently, we watch the two candidate governmental poles engaging in a communicative conflict in the face of the parliamentary elections about the future management of the Greek State. On the one hand are the managers of fear that roam from TV channel to TV channel talking about imminent disasters and on the other hand the vendors of hope that sell their merchandise to all those desperate and gullible people that envision a welfare state like the ones other European countries have, where exploitation is masked with social benefits.
Continue reading Text by Nikos Romanos in solidarity with Dimitris Ch. (en/gr)

Greece: Gathering at Koridallos for a new trial against anarchist prisoners (en/it)


Tomorrow at 10 o’clock in the morning starts a new trial against anarchist prisoners including more than one cases. This case is about Chalandri case for which Bourzoukos, Sakkas and Romanos are accused. Robberies at banks and local branches of the National Postal Agency (ELTA) for which Politis, Dalios and Mihiailidis are accused. Incendiary attacks for which Harisis, Romanos, Dalios, Bourzoukos, Mihailidis and Politis are accused. The evidence taken from the houses the cops raided right after the robbery in Velvento in Kozani for which Bourzoukos, Mihailidis, Romanos, Politis, Dalios, Harisis and G. Tsakalos are accussed.
Continue reading Greece: Gathering at Koridallos for a new trial against anarchist prisoners (en/it)

France: Attacks against the Socialist Party (PS) en/fr


We Own the Night

In the night between Thursday the 11th and Friday the 12th of December 2014, we broke the windows, signs and digital door locks of the offices of the Socialist Party located on the streets of Cour-des-Noues (20th arrondissement of Paris) and 14 juillet (Les Lilas).

Attack Power wherever found!

Solidarity with Nikos Romanos.
Continue reading France: Attacks against the Socialist Party (PS) en/fr


SOLIDARITY ACTIONS IN UK FOR ANARCHIST NIKOS ROMANOS :Greece -uk – International Call for Revolutionary Solidarity with Anarchist Nikos Romanos on hunger strike since 10/11/14LONDON 29/12/14 : BANNERS AND LEAFLETS IN BRIXTON IN SOLIDARITY WITH NIKOS ROMANOSUK 26/11/14: Vehicles burnt in solidarity with Nikos Romanos and Rémi Fraisse

London 3/12/14:
FAI-Fires on the Horizon – Nikos Romanos
Anarchists on action today 3/12/14 we set on fire a security car in London in solidarity with our brothers Nikos Romanos. Yiannis mixailidis, Andreas-Dimitris Bourzoukos Dimitris Politis they are on hunger strike in Athens.

December 10, 2014.- uk


Hunger Strike (2013)

Nikos Romanos


My [1] reference to the tough struggle of a hunger strike does not necessarily mean that I would choose to use this specific means, without stating whether I agree or disagree with the means, as there is no right or wrong in such situations and everything is disputed and re-examined again and again.

Hunger Strike – Contradiction in a fighting position.

A hunger strike is the ultimate means of struggle of a revolutionary individual. Historically it has been used by a wide political spectrum of fighters held hostage for their subversive action, mainly against democratic regimes.

Continue reading Hunger Strike (2013)