Tag Archives: nl

Amsterdam: House re-squatted by Sociale Huur Tugela action group

On Sunday 22 November a building on the Tugelaweg 18A has been re-squatted out of discontent with the current housing policy in Amsterdam. The policy that is being fought is not a recent one. The breaking down of social housing has been going on for years. The privatizing of social housing companies, which have to handle their own finances since the 90s, has created a situation in which affordable housing is considered unprofitable both by the social housing companies and politicians. Social housing companies, whose goal is housing people, are for this reason rejecting social housing instead. Local politics see this happening but do not act. Because of this the situation on the housing market is becoming unsustainable; rents rise and waiting lists become longer and longer. Exactly those people for whom social housing is intended are getting problems because of this.
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Amsterdam: 10 years Joe’s Garage



For 10 years, Joe’s Garage organizes political action, film and debate evenings, discussions and demonstrations. Everyone is welcome whether it’s for advice in precarious housing, employment and other life issues or for a bowl of soup, a good conversation, nice music or a free raincoat from the Giveaway Shop.
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Amsterdam: The New University squatted an empty office


Today at 13:00 the DNU [De Nieuwe Universiteit / The New University] squatted Oude Turf Markt 147, an empty part of an university building of the UvA [Universiteit van Amsterdam / University of Amsterdam]. The building will be a DNU headquarters, where people can meet to plan actions, do administrative work etc. For a movement, a space to organize is of great importance, this is exactly what DNU had in the Maagdenhuis, but unfortunately that did not last. It seems that the building where they are now located will be empty for longer due to the fact that the faculty of Humanities is cutting its budgets on housing and has moved large groups of administration elsewhere.
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Busvervoer van Amsterdam naar acties tegen Pegida in Utrecht


Aanstaande zondag 8 november wil het extreem-rechtse Pegida voor de tweede keer gaan demonstreren in Utrecht. ‘Laat Ze Niet Lopen’ roept op je te verzetten tegen deze extreem-rechtse demonstratie. Overstem, blokkeer en stop de racisten van Pegida! Laat Ze Niet Lopen! Voor activisten uit Amsterdam rijdt er zondag een bus naar Utrecht. Deze zal om 11:00 vertrekken aan de voorzijde van Amsterdam Centraal Station (Prins Hendrikkade). Geef je nu op voor de bus door middel van een e-mail naar blockpegida[at]xs4all.nl.

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Pegida manifesta a Utrecht, la polizia aggredisce gli Antifa (it/dutch)


Nella giornata di ieri, 11 ottobre, circa un centinaio di sostenitori del movimento islamofobo e xenofobo  Pegida, sorto originariamente in Germania nella regione di Dresda, si e’ dato appuntamento nella citta’ olandese di Utrecht contro “l’islamizzazione dell’Europa” e l’arrivo di profughi, chiedendo una politica che sappia distinguere tra rifugiati politici  e migranti economici, respingendo al confine questi ultimi.
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9-10-2015: infoavond: Stop HoGeSa in Keulen


Op 25 oktober zal er in Keulen (Duitsland) een demonstratie plaatsvinden van het racistische en islamofobe HoGeSa (Hooligans Gegen Salafisten). Op 24 en 25 oktober zullen er in Keulen acties plaatsvinden om dit te verhinderen. Antifascisten van AK Antifa Köln zullen daarom op vrijdag 9 oktober een infoavond geven in het Autonoom Centrum Den Haag met informatie over de tegenacties. De infoavond begint om 20:00.
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