Tag Archives: nl

JAN 17 Stop het racistische Pegida in Apeldoorn


Op zondag 17 januari wil het extreem-rechtse Pegida gaan demonstreren in Apeldoorn om zo hun racistische gedachtegoed te verspreiden. ‘Laat Ze Niet Lopen’ roept op je te verzetten tegen deze extreem-rechtse demonstratie. 13:00 uur de plek waar Pegida hun demonstratie wil beginnen (nu nog niet bekend) en laat je horen tegen de racisten van Pegida! Laat Ze Niet Lopen!
Continue reading JAN 17 Stop het racistische Pegida in Apeldoorn

Den Haag: Eviction of Autonoom Centrum approaching


Eviction of Autonoom Centrum in The Hague is getting closer. The AC lost a long legal procedure in which the judge declared that AC can be evicted beginning January 30th. After the verdict, AC went into discussions with the owner of the building in order to reach an agreement, but the conversation went nowhere. It looks like AC will be evicted at the end of this month.
Continue reading Den Haag: Eviction of Autonoom Centrum approaching

Black December: ING Bank target of anarchist action in Den Haag (en/it)


In the days running up to christmas a ING bank in Den Haag (Netherlands) was targeted by anarchists. ATM machines were sabotaged and a slogan referring to Black December was left on the facade. The banks are a connerstone of this suffocating capitalist and repressive society. This is why we choose to attack these symbols of domination. While people are caught up in the consumerist madness of christmas we wanted to cause a disturbance of this consumerist peace. We don’t want to passively wait while this world is suffering. Crush the capitalist system. We want the anarchist offensive.
Continue reading Black December: ING Bank target of anarchist action in Den Haag (en/it)

Netherlands: Poster for Black December


Poster pasted in the Netherlands:

In a reality of wage slavery, overproduction and overconsumption…
In a reality of borders, militarism, authority and religion…
In a reality where charity, apathy and despair seem to be the only answer…
In a reality where both the right and left have us trapped…

Let this December and afterwards initiate the attack against all oppressors and their institutions.

We see the murdering police.
We see the racist violence.
We see the economic system [being enforced].
We see the prison society.

But we will not stand there and look.
Let’s greet all those fighting worldwide.
Solidarity through struggle.

For a world of unlimited freedom.
For a Black December.
For anarchy.

German | Portuguese

Black December: ING Bank target of anarchist action in Den Haag (Netherlands)


In the days running up to Christmas an ING bank in Den Haag (Netherlands) was targeted by anarchists. ATM machines were sabotaged and a slogan referring to Black December was left on the facade. The banks are a cornerstone of this suffocating capitalist and repressive society. This is why we choose to attack these symbols of domination. While people are caught up in the consumerist madness of christmas we wanted to cause a disturbance of this consumerist peace. We don’t want to passively wait while this world is suffering. Crush the capitalist system. We want the anarchist offensive.
Continue reading Black December: ING Bank target of anarchist action in Den Haag (Netherlands)

Black December: Arson of Otto Worforce vehicle in Utrecht (Netherlands)


A few nights ago, in the city of Utrecht, the Netherlands, a vehicle of Otto
Workforce was set on fire. Otto Workforce is a job agency with a reputation of
exploiting people by ignoring the standard conditions, underpayment, forcing people
to work extreme over hours etc.

The action is dedicated to all who are repressed by the capitalist society,
imprisoned or killed by the bullets of pigs.

For a Black December! For a free society!