Tag Archives: no borders

News from Calais


On Friday,  when the judge at Boulogne-sur-mer announced, three times that the trial of 8 friends was irregular the court room erupted into applause and cheering. Waiting outside were a brace of Police de l’Air et des Frontières (PAF) waiting to take 5 of them (the foreigners) to detention after they had been served with Obligation de Quitter la Territoire Français (OQTF). But these had already escaped and were not present to appreciate the announcement of their victory.
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Milano – Attaccati bancomat di Poste Italiane per ruolo di Mistral Air nelle deportazioni di migranti

“MILANO – Con martelli,vernice e acciaio liquido abbiamo messo fuori uso 4 bancomat di poste italiane, per mettere in luce le responsabilita’ della sua controllata Mistral Air nello schifoso business della deportazione delle persone migranti. Guerre, colonialismo, saccheggio delle risorse e stravolgimenti climatici causati dal nostro occidente stanno portando flussi sempre maggiori di persone a fuggire dai loro paesi per raggiungere la ricca europa, mentre quest’ultima rafforza i propri confini con una crescente militarizzazione per difendere i propri privilegi dalle conseguenze della miseria che essa stessa ha creato, trovando perfino modo di trarre ulteriore profitto sulla pelle di chi, dopo viaggi estenuanti e rischiando la vita, riesce a giungere a destinazione e qui si trova non legittimato a esistere. Solidarieta’ con chi abbatte le frontiere e con chi attacca i responsabili dello sfruttamento – Sulle vetrate e sui muri delle filiali di posta abbiamo lasciato anche delle scritte “NO CIE NO CARA”,”NE’ STATI NE’ FRONTIERE”,”MISTRAL AIR COMPLICI DELLE DEPORTAZIONI”

Calais: new squat in town, evicted same afternoon by riot cops


UPDATE: The squat was evicted this afternoon by 12 vans of riot police, a few hours after being announced in the morning. See report on the eviction here. 8 people have been arrested. The Calais authorities clearly intend to enforce their “zero tolerance” clampdown on migrant and other autonomous spaces in the town centre, and with hundreds of CRS now stationed in Calais they have the force to do so.

Continue reading Calais: new squat in town, evicted same afternoon by riot cops

Against Europe of lager and deportations, let’s spread solidarity and struggle


Vial camp in Chios

Updates from the situation at Europe’s Eastern borders following the horrific EU-Turkey deal, from Hurriya.

On March 18th, 28 premiers of EU were in Brussels to confirm a deal to halt illegal migration flows with the turkish premier Davutoglu. The agreement aims to deport to Turkey all migrants arrived in Greece since March 20th, together with people already in Greece classified as “economic migrants”. Basically, this is the final elimination of the already limited right of asylum: who will face EU policies arriving in the islands will have no chances of “legal” resettlement. There remains only the promise of EU countries to relocate several thousand Syrians directly from Turkey.
Continue reading Against Europe of lager and deportations, let’s spread solidarity and struggle

Update From Idomeni


UPDATE FROM IDOMENI BORDER Idomeni 29/3/16 Over the last several days there has been an ongoing refugee protest at the Idomeni camp.  About 100 tents running the length of the railway lines have been blocking any Greek/Macedonian trains from passing.  The railway is at the entrance to the original camp and people stand there everyday with banners and signs.  There are intermittent hunger strikes within this group as people demand safe passage and freedom of movement rather than food.
Continue reading Update From Idomeni

Germany: Attack against Bosch in Berlin

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15.03.16: Coordination of militants and anarchist groups is at least initially desirable for the development of resistance to the European border regime. Of the numerous and widespread calls issued by the rebel milieu the text “Sabotage Fortress Europe – We Can Do That”, among others that were reprinted in Zeck 190 had some relevance for us because the proposals are more concrete than many general calls.
Continue reading Germany: Attack against Bosch in Berlin