Continue reading ΝΑΤΟ: Στρατικοποίηση και ολοκληρωτισμός
Ancora qualche informazione dal Centro detentivo di corso Brunelleschi dopo gli incendi del 12 febbraio.
Continue reading Dentro e fuori
Oggi 22 Febbraio in un centro SPRAR a Isca superiore, in provincia di Catanzaro, 18 migranti si sono incatenati davanti all’ingresso dell’ex scuola elementare adibita a centro accoglienza, per formare una barriera umana e impedire un trattamento sanitario obbligatorio (T.S.O.) nei confronti di un loro compagno. “Non è vero che sta male – hanno detto nel corso della protesta – sono gli operatori dello Sprar che non capiscono nulla” riportano i media (1). “Per sedare la protesta, che non ha creato problemi di ordine pubblico, sono intervenuti i carabinieri della locale stazione che sono riusciti a far rientrare quasi subito nel centro gli extracomunitari, i quali hanno chiesto un incontro con le autorità e la prefettura di Catanzaro”.
L’uso del TSO come modalità repressiva per contrastare le proteste dei migranti, nei centri accoglienza e fuori, non è una novità recente, eppure solo ora si comincia a parlarne.
Continue reading TSO (trattamenti sanitari obbligatori) – La repressione psichiatrica contro i migranti in protesta
One more time, the French government – in collusion with the UK – has announced plans to evict the homes and shelters of many undocumented people living in Calais. People have until 20:00 on Tuesday 23rd February to leave the Southern half of the Jungle. According to the government, those resident in the eviction zone should move, disappear, be put behind walls, be locked up or deported. The only reason for this, their lack of regularized status. Eviction notices were served on Friday. Many inhabitants of the Jungle, supported by associations, served a complaint against the eviction and destruction of the camp. This appeal will be heard in court in Lille on Tuesday, 23rd February at 2pm. The judge presiding over the case will visit the Jungle on Tuesday morning. These are the facts so far.
Continue reading Call-out for international support against Calais evictions and against the borders // Appel à soutien international contre les expulsions à Calais et contre les frontières
Si considerava opportuno dire qualche parola sui cambiamenti attuali legati alla detenzione amministrativa e alla gestione degli immigrati. Qualche considerazione, senza pretese geopolitiche, rispetto agli sviluppi in corso in Europa.
Per una visione un po’ più ampia, si rimanda alla lettura dell’opuscolo “Considerazioni sulla detenzione amministrativa in Italia” del Settembre 2015 (1), di cui questo scritto è una parte integrativa e aggiornata.
Continue reading Gli Hotspot: nuovi modelli di controllo e carcerazione
Martedì 16 febbraio, a Trento, un gruppo di compagni ha bloccato l’OBB Monaco-Verona delle 18,04. Lo striscione esposto sui binari diceva: “Chiudono le frontiere? Blocchiamo tutto!“. La scritta “OBB complice delle deportazioni” è stata tracciata sulla locomotrice del treno. Interventi al megafono, fumogeni e volantinaggio hanno bloccato il treno per circa un quarto d’ora.
Continue reading Trentino – Chiudono le frontiere? Blocchiamo tutto!
On 23/24 February, the European police congress will again be held in the Berlin Congress Center. Enterprises from the armament and surveillance industry will meet on this occasion with international politicians, security agencies and military staff to develop common strategies for the defence of the ruling conditions; for the defence of a world that is falling apart.
Continue reading Berlin 23/24 February: mobilisation against the European Police Congress
During the previous month, Themistokleous 58 Squat participated in a series of actions/demonstrations:
On January 16th 2016, we took to the streets for the first time with a distinct bloc of nearly 30 individuals at the rear of the demonstration in memory of Shahzad Luqman in the Athens neighbourhood of Petralona. Slogans in various languages were shouted and spray-painted, and an ATM was vandalised along the way. After the demo finished, the sign above the local office’s entrance of the ruling SYRIZA party in Ano Petralona was taken down.
Continue reading Exarchia, Athens: Update regarding the first month of operation of Themistokleous 58 Squat
We are a group of activists from different anti-racist contexts, who came together in order to act collectively and effectively against deportations and to interfere in the racist discourse. We support persons who are under threat of deportation, try to inform them about their options and try to stop deportations together. It is important for us to approach people directly, challenge hierarchies and privileges and establish an emancipatory dialogue with migrants. We stand in solidarity with all persons concerned, no matter where they come from and why or where to they should be deported.
Continue reading No border, no nation, stop deportation!
Yesterday morning (Friday 12 February) the prefect of the Calais region Fabienne Buccio announced the next wave of mass eviction of the Calais “jungle” camp, giving seven days warning to the 2000 people who will be cleared from the Southern part of the site. The eviction will then take place within three weeks. (See French media article here with full details.)
Continue reading Calais: jungle will be cleared by Summer, next mass eviction begins in one week