Giovedì 18 febbraio, ore 18.00, Villa Matta Occupata, Lecce:
Militarizzazione del territorio e controllo sociale.
A partire dai fatti di Parigi, una riflessione sull’uso statale dell’emergenza e della paura per giustificare le guerre sul fronte esterno e la guerra ai “nemici interni”. E dei possibili modi di opporsi, anche sull’esempio di alcune lotte concrete.
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Tag Archives: no borders
Amsterdam anti-PEGIDA protest report back.
Another successful anti-PEGIDA protest in the Netherlands today. The day started with the friendly anti-demonstration at an earlier time and a different spot than the PEGIDA demonstration, with about a thousand attendees listening to music and speeches by several organizations and politicians.
Continue reading Amsterdam anti-PEGIDA protest report back.
12 – 13.Februar: Internationalismustage 2016
Besançon: Attack against Socialist Party and Red Cross branches
A small gesture in solidarity with undocumented migrants and comrades in between the grubby hands of the state…
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Pegida and Police fight in Calais!
Well, maybe fight is too strong a word, but for the first time today French patriots will be happy to know that valuable French policing resources, including CS gas, have not been all used up on migrants! It was also refreshing, although a little odd, to watch the French police throw to the ground and arrest someone in a black hoodie without any CMS folks feeling the need to panic.
Continue reading Pegida and Police fight in Calais!
Belgique : 146 personnes évadées des centres fermés en 5 ans et demi
Getting the Voice Out fait sortir les témoignages des centres fermés
Entre 2010 et mai 2015, 146 personnes sont parvenues à s’évader des centres fermés (prisons pour étrangers) en Belgique. C’est en 2013 que le nombre d’évasions a été le plus élevé (36) et en 2014 qu’il a été le plus bas (12). Les 5 premiers mois de l’année 2015 ont toutefois été riches en envolées avec 24 évasions.
Dublino, in migliaia contro Pegida. Scontri con la polizia
Sabato 6 febbraio migliaia di persone sono scese nelle strade di Dublino per protestare contro il raduno organizzato da Pegida per il lancio di una sua sezione irlandese.
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Solidarita bez hranic: Akční den proti pevnosti Evropa
Dne: 06.02.2016 13:30
Kde: Praha – pin Zobrazit mapu Malostranské Náměstí
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Paris: concert de soutien au squat de l’ancienne gendarmerie de Villejuif
Concert de soutien à l’ouverture du squat « La gendarmerie » et en solidarité aux refugié-es à Paris. Samedi 6 février 19h30-00h
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