Well, since we announced the demonstration in Dover on January 30th, a lot has happened. Lots of groups have organised transport, and the day is shaping up to be a good one.
Continue reading Dover Update!
Tag Archives: no borders
Calais: several nights of clashes as people try to cross
Fights with the police have been happening in & near the Calais jungle for the past three nights running. This usually follows attempts by migrants to leave the jungle to cross to the UK. Yesterday it was announced that three armoured vehicles would be sent to Calais in an effort to get on top of the situation. The prefect needs to approve their use, but that’s unlikely to take very long. Updates below from Calais Migrant Solidarity.
5th January
At approximately 00.30am on the morning of the 5th of January, a group of refugees left the jungle and walked up Route Des Gravelines towards town. As they passed the house of the neo-nazi sympathisers connected with Les Calasiens en Colere, they were attacked by a group of fascists, who persued them and attempted to follow them into the Jungle.
Continue reading Calais: several nights of clashes as people try to cross
france new years
Pétards, feux d’artifice et solidarité pour les prisonnier-ère-s…
Continue reading france new years
Ελληνικό : 31/12 – Πρωτοχρονιά εξω από το Κέντρο Κράτησης Ελληνικού
Προσυγκέντρωση στις 23:00 Πέμπτη 31 /12 στο ΜΕΤΡΟ Ελληνικού
Ενώνουμε τις φωνές μας με τις έγκλειστες μετανάστριες που αγωνίζονται για αξιοπρέπεια και ελευθερία
El 16 De Enero, Concentración Por El Cierre Definitivo De La Cárcel Racista De Zona Franca En Barcelona
El pasado 30 de octubre el CIE de Zona Franca fue cerrado por reformas. Unos cuantos partidos, asociaciones de ciudadanos, ong y demás han celebrado este evento como una oportunidad, un paso adelante en el reconocimiento de los derechos humanos o un testimonio del duro trabajo hecho por el Ayuntamiento de Barcelona. Continue reading El 16 De Enero, Concentración Por El Cierre Definitivo De La Cárcel Racista De Zona Franca En Barcelona |
Sabado 9: I Festival de rap contra el racismo @ CSO Gatonera (Madrid)
Una Frontex 2 contro migranti e cittadini europei “sospetti”
Dopo l’operazione Triton e il varo della forza navale EUNAVFOR MED, l’Unione europea pensa a nuovi strumenti militari per “garantire una gestione forte e condivisa delle frontiere esterne” e fare la guerra ai migranti nel Mediterraneo. Il 15 dicembre la Commissione europea ha infatti deciso di potenziare il mandato e le risorse finanziarie di Frontex, l’agenzia di vigilanza e controllo dei confini Ue ed istituire una Guardia costiera e frontaliera europea che sovrintenda con piena autonomia alla gestione delle operazioni anti-migrazioni.
Continue reading Una Frontex 2 contro migranti e cittadini europei “sospetti”
Besançon, France: Attack against Socialist Party and Red Cross branches (en/fr)
A small gesture in solidarity with undocumented migrants and comrades in between the grubby hands of the state…
At a time when the state entrenches into the constitution the state of emergency and are multiplying draconian laws, deploying blue and camo uniforms onto the streets to ensure peace for the rich and dominant, when it extends to outside the prison walls, where raids and deportations of undocumented migrants are multiplying… it’s time to attack!
Continue reading Besançon, France: Attack against Socialist Party and Red Cross branches (en/fr)
Roma – Aggiornamenti dal CIE di Ponte Galeria
Dopo la rivolta che ha causato la momentanea chiusura della sezione maschile del CIE di Ponte Galeria, continuano nella sezione femminile espulsioni e proteste.
Continue reading Roma – Aggiornamenti dal CIE di Ponte Galeria
12 de enero – Concentración para el cierre definitivo del CIE Zona Franca
El próximo martes 12 de Enero.
Martes 12 de enero de 2016
CONCENTRACIÓN PARA EL CIERRE DEFINITIVO DEL CIE ZONA FRANCA 11.30 h Parada de bus 109 (Pl. Espanya) ¡Alik, no te olvidamos! |