Tag Archives: no borders

Urla non sopite: sulla lotta contro i C.I.E. a Torino




«…Crediamo che sia importante identificare i collaboratori della macchina delle espulsioni. Chi, dalle espulsioni, dai pestaggi ed anche, a volte, dalle rivolte ci guadagna. Che sia importante portare la lotta contro i Centri anche al di fuori di quelle mura, che la lotta è ovunque per chi sa guardare con i giusti occhi.»
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Αθήνα : Παρασκευή 29/05, 18:00 – Συγκέντρωση/πορεία αλληλεγγύης στους μετανάστες και ενάντια στην Ευρώπη-Φρούριο


Η 1η ΠΡΑΞΗ ΠΟΛΕΜΟΥ διεξάγεται στους τόπους προέλευσής τους

εκεί όπου τα ευρωπαϊκά κράτη (συμπεριλαμβανομένου και του ελληνικού) και οι καπιταλιστικές-στρατιωτικές συμμαχίες (τύπου ΝΑΤΟ) εξαπολύουν πολέμους, χρηματοδοτούν και οπλίζουν δικτατορικά καθεστώτα, προωθούν την οικονομική αφαίμαξη, την περιβαλλοντική καταστροφή, την πλήρη εξαθλίωση και προσφυγιά ολόκληρων πληθυσμών προς όφελος ντόπιων και υπερεθνικών αφεντικών
Continue reading Αθήνα : Παρασκευή 29/05, 18:00 – Συγκέντρωση/πορεία αλληλεγγύης στους μετανάστες και ενάντια στην Ευρώπη-Φρούριο

Basel, Switzerland: Demonstration against Frontex and attack on prosecutor’s office/pretrial prison


On May 22nd, about 200-250 people took to the streets in Basel in a demonstration against Frontex and the European migration-regime on the occasion of the international action days against the 10 year anniversary of Frontex.
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LA 23.5. Eurovisions without borders


This saturday we will cheer PKN and internationalism at Kupoli!

Let’s leave behind all that pointless nationalism and make Eurovisions open for everyone. While watching live stream of the contest we will cheer the creative potential of communities and Eurovisions’ borderless future.

Before the show a collection of the best Eurovisions classics is played. Snacks and drinks will be served whole night.

Free entrance!
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Varsavia, 21 Maggio Giornata Internazionale senza documenti e contro Frontex


Frontex, l’ agenzia per il controllo delle frontiere esterne della Fortezza Europa, è salita agli onori della cronaca solo recentemente, quando in Italia utilizzò la chiusura dell’operazione militare “Mare Nostrum” per chiedere un finanziamento ulteriore nell’attività di controllo in mare.

Solo pochi/e sanno che Frontex nei prossimi giorni festeggerà nel suo quartier generale di Varsavia (1) dieci lunghi anni di oppressioni e violenze su commissione .

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