Tag Archives: no borders



λληλεγγύη είναι το όπλο των λαών και όπως κάθε όπλο θέλει το στόχο του έτσι κι αυτό.. με μόνη διαφορά πως για να λειτουργήσει σωστά και να πετύχει τον εχθρό θέλει πολλούς να πατήσουν τη σκανδάλη !

Οτι και να πείτε, τη Συριακή επανάσταση δε θα τη μαυρίσετε.. χριστιανοί, μουσουλμάνοι, αλαουίτες, αριστεροί…..

Zürich: Fight Racism 100% – Gegen Kapitalismus, Staat & Nation


Aufruf zu einem revolutionären Block an der Anti-Rassismus-Demo – 28.2.15, 14h, Zürich Helvetiaplatz

Schon seit Längerem sind die Rechten europaweit auf dem Vormarsch – sowohl auf den Strassen als auch in den Parlamenten. Seien es rechtspopulistische Parteien, rassistische Bewegungen auf der Strasse oder offen faschistische Organisationen – Mit der Hetze gegen Migrant*innen, Muslime oder andere marginalisierte Gruppen lässt sich zur Zeit erfolgreich Politik machen.
Continue reading Zürich: Fight Racism 100% – Gegen Kapitalismus, Staat & Nation

Upcoming Evictions, expected March 2015 Calais (France)


In April 2015 the municipality of Calais in collaboration with the socialist state government intends to open the Day Centre Jules Ferry for all migrants living in and around the city. This centre is sold by the government and its media as a humanitarian gesture. This is bullshit! This is a poor attempt to alleviate the catastrophic situation of the migrants here. A situation that is created by the very policies the government have put in place. The opening of the day centre will go along with the mass eviction of 2000 people and the destruction of their homes: the squats and jungles of Calais.
Continue reading Upcoming Evictions, expected March 2015 Calais (France)

Calais: fascist demo banned, fascist threat continues …


The local state authorities (Prefecture) have banned the fascist demo planned in Calais on Sunday by the “Sauvons Calais” group. The fascists have announced on their facebook page that they are going to obey the order and have called off the demo, although asserting that everyone has “freedom of movement [!!!] and can do what they want”.
Continue reading Calais: fascist demo banned, fascist threat continues …

Boum! Contre les frontiéres – A festival welcoming refugees and tearing down borders


How about a world where everyone has freedom of movement? A world where borders are gone? We want to celebrate in solidarity and donate our earnings to the societies Flüchtlingshilfe Lippe (“Help for refugees” Lippe) and Fluchtpunkt (“place of refuge“).
What is “Flüchtlingshilfe Lippe e.V.”?
Continue reading Boum! Contre les frontiéres – A festival welcoming refugees and tearing down borders

Against Fascism – Against Borders: Join us in Dover on Sunday 25th


On Sunday 25th supporters of the far-right will be gathering in Dover supposedly to ‘support the truckers’. Their Facebook page says the group ‘Support the Calais to Dover Truckers’ is to support “truckers who are under constant attack from illegal immigrants”.
Continue reading Against Fascism – Against Borders: Join us in Dover on Sunday 25th

Call out against fascist demo – en/fr


On the 25th of January the fascist group Sauvons Calais are planning a march against migration at Place d’Armes at 2 am.

Now is the time for movement – we call for migration and any action attacking the fascism we see rise around us. In Calais we see more fascist gatherings, more threats, whilst the occupation of life by the state is ongoing. More and more the cops impose their control on the streets, jungles, houses, places were we live and sleep, our movements, the harbour and the highways, the parkings and the gas stations. Still the deaths caused by the border regime continue. The law of Europe. The fascist voices getting more seats in the shiny parliamentary rooms.
Continue reading Call out against fascist demo – en/fr