Tag Archives: Pola Roupa

Tesalónica: Afiche solidario en vistas al segundo juicio contra Lucha Revolucionaria (es/gr)


“La lucha revolucionaria es un asunto de profunda e irreductible creencia en la destrucción del Estado y el capitalismo”
–Pola Roupa, 8/8/2014

10 de abril del 2014: La organización Lucha Revolucionaria ataca con un coche-bomba contra la Dirección de Supervisión del Banco de Grecia en la calle Amerikis, en Atenas, donde se situaba la oficina del representante permanente del Fondo Monetario Internacional en Grecia W. McGrew.
Continue reading Tesalónica: Afiche solidario en vistas al segundo juicio contra Lucha Revolucionaria (es/gr)

Greece – Pola Roupa, Member of R.O.Revolutionary Struggle – For a Timely Analysis of the Present Situation


A review of the last months is necessary to the extent that from previous elections and throughout the period following the coming to power of Syriza, the different perspectives and positions on the left government have served as the main background for a series of confrontations and warlike collisions within the movement. Another factor that makes this review even more necessary are the forthcoming elections [note: those of September 20], where it is certain for some and likely for others that in searching for the “new” political base and project for the movement they will find it in the new political group that emerged against the excess of Syriza’s austerity, pitting themselves as the “genuine Syriza” and using – once again- various crowns like resistance to lenders, in order to demand power.

Continue reading Greece – Pola Roupa, Member of R.O.Revolutionary Struggle – For a Timely Analysis of the Present Situation

Testo dei 3 membri di Lotta Rivoluzionaria (2012)


Compagni, il nostro processo per Lotta Rivoluzionaria che è iniziato il 5 ottobre 2011, è una fase politica per difendere la lotta armata come parte inseparabile della lotta per la sovversione del capitalismo e dello stato, la lotta per la rivoluzione sociale.

La nostra strategia nel processo è dunque attaccare l’esistente regime criminale economico, sociale e politico con argomenti politici, senza accettare il ruolo di accusati ma diventando al contrario accusatori contro tutto ciò che questa corte rappresenta e compie.
Continue reading Testo dei 3 membri di Lotta Rivoluzionaria (2012)

Greek prisons – Revolutionary Struggle case: Nikos Maziotis and Kostas Gournas transferred to Koridallos prison ahead of second-instance trial (en-es)


On May 21st 2015, the Solidarity Assembly for political prisoners & imprisoned and prosecuted fighters reported that the anarchist prisoners Nikos Maziotis and Kostas Gournas were transferred from Domokos prison to the dungeon in Koridallos women’s prison ahead of the second-instance trial on the Revolutionary Struggle’s first-period action (2003-2010).
Continue reading Greek prisons – Revolutionary Struggle case: Nikos Maziotis and Kostas Gournas transferred to Koridallos prison ahead of second-instance trial (en-es)

Llamamiento de solidaridad ante el juicio a lxs miembros de la O.R. Lucha Revolucionaria que comenzara el próximo 5 de octubre en Atenas (2011)


Guerrilla Urbana en la Metropoli del siglo XXI

Continue reading Llamamiento de solidaridad ante el juicio a lxs miembros de la O.R. Lucha Revolucionaria que comenzara el próximo 5 de octubre en Atenas (2011)

La carta politica hacia la sociedad

West Virginia Coal Mine Life in 1938 (4)

Tomamos la responsabilidad política de la participación en la Lucha Revolucionaria. Declaramos que el compañero Lambros Foundas que cayó muerto en Dafni el 10 de marzo de 2010, tras una batalla con los policías, también participó en la Lucha Revolucionaria. Esta batalla ha sido parte del proyecto subversivo decidido colectivamente por Lucha Revolucionaria. Fue una batalla por la revolución y por la libertad.
Continue reading La carta politica hacia la sociedad

Greece – Solidarity with Revolutionary Struggle members Nikos Maziotis and Pola Roupa on the run, freedom now! to Kostas Gournas



Anarchist Comrade Nikos Maziotis has been transferred to domokos C’type prisons
After Nikos Maziotis’ communication with a comrade, we are informed that
today 30/12/14 he has been transferred to the C’type prisons of Domokos.
The comrade is in a wing on his own. His moral is high.
Assembly of Solidarity for political prisoners, imprisoned and
persecuted fighters
Translated by Act for freedom now!



Oral declaration to the court (2011)


Pola Roupa

Let me begin by commenting on the main accusation against us, that we have founded a “terrorist organization”, by which “we were targeting the country’s established constitutional order seeking its overthrow or even its alteration”. I would like to underline this point. This charge by itself is the biggest proof that this is in fact a political trial. There is no better confession that this is an armed group which has turned against the establishment, against the established order. This charge by itself is a confession that we are political subjects, who have shared political objectives, and that the action of our group was clearly political.

However, you do not admit that we are a political organization, because this would in fact be an indirect admission that there is some political rival to this system; namely that Revolutionary Struggle (Epanastatikos Agonas) is a political organization which advocates another type of society; another type of social, political and economic organization.
Continue reading Oral declaration to the court (2011)