Tag Archives: Poland

Poznań (Poland): Attack on Squot Od:Zysk and anarchist bookshop


Yesterday we were once again witnesses to how being “antisystem” works in the case of the far right. Nationalists, who have been infiltrating community of football fans for years, are trying to use the popularity of football. After yesterday’s match, the “opponents” of power didn’t take the opportunity to attack the building that is represented by Platforma Obywatelska (the ruling party) – the Voivodship Office
Their “antisystem” approach is represented by smashing windows of an anarchist bookshop/cafe “Zemsta”. 40 people broke windows and destroyed the gate of the building. However, banks, including those responsible for harassment of tenants and brutal evictions, remained untouched.
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Varsavia, 21 Maggio Giornata Internazionale senza documenti e contro Frontex


Frontex, l’ agenzia per il controllo delle frontiere esterne della Fortezza Europa, è salita agli onori della cronaca solo recentemente, quando in Italia utilizzò la chiusura dell’operazione militare “Mare Nostrum” per chiedere un finanziamento ulteriore nell’attività di controllo in mare.

Solo pochi/e sanno che Frontex nei prossimi giorni festeggerà nel suo quartier generale di Varsavia (1) dieci lunghi anni di oppressioni e violenze su commissione .

Continue reading Varsavia, 21 Maggio Giornata Internazionale senza documenti e contro Frontex

WEGETARIADA impreza zamiast bomb | 23.05.2015 | benefit na Food Not Bombs | Szczecin


{for english version please scroll down}


W nawiązaniu do najlepszych tradycji szczecińskiej alternatywy z lat 90. zapraszamy na pierwszą – po wielu latach – edycję Wegetariady! Gwoździami programu będą: wegańska strawa, masa niezależnej muzyki, warsztaty dla dzieci, barterowe giełdy, projekcje filmowe i wiele innych.
Continue reading WEGETARIADA impreza zamiast bomb | 23.05.2015 | benefit na Food Not Bombs | Szczecin


:PARTiYA | DESTROYERS::: [2 bands!]: 05.09.2015 [NEED HELP!] Belarus, Brest 06.09.2015 [NEED HELP!] Poland, Lublin / Rzeszow 08.09.2015 [???] Romania, Cluj Napoca 09.09.2015 Romania, Bucharest, tba 10.09.2015 [???] Romania, Timisoara 11.09.2015 [NEED HELP!] Slovakia / Hungary / Austria 12.09.2015 [NEED HELP!] Germany, Nurnberg :::PARTiYA | DESTROYERS | HUMAN COMPOST::: [3 bands!]: 13.09.2015 Germany, Giessen, «AK47» squat 14.09.2015 Germany, Dresden, «Chemiefabrik» 15.09.2015 [NEED HELP!] Poland, Wroclaw 16.09.2015 [NEED HELP!] Poland, Warsaw 17.09.2015 [NEED HELP!] Lithuania, Vilnius 18.09.2015 [NEED HELP!] Belarus, Grodno 19.09.2015 Belarus, Minsk, tba :::HUMAN COMPOST::: [1 band!]: 20.09.2015 [NEED HELP!] Poland, Krakow 21.09.2015 [NEED HELP!] Czech rep., Prague 22.09.2015 [NEED HELP!] Germany, Munchen 23.09.2015 [NEED HELP!] Switzerland, Geneva !!!05-12.09.2015 we are 9 people from PARTiYA + DESTROYERS (2 bands) and driver. !!!13-19.09.2015 we are 14 people from PARTiYA + DESTROYERS + HUMAN COMPOST We would like to get some money as we need to pay for roads and petrol and we need some food, drinks and sleeping places. Send your answers on the e-mails: okpunkrock@gmail.com – Mysh | PARTiYA tankerpunx@hotmail.com – Steph | HUMAN COMPOST Please, repost this message to friends who can help us. Greetings and thanks in advance! Hope to see you soon! PARTiYA | DESTROYERS | HUMAN COMPOST

DESTROYERS – punk-hardcore from Belarus: www.destroyersminsk.bandcamp.com/album/fuckem-all-2013

HUMAN COMPOST – metal crust punk from France: www.humancompost.free.fr www.humancompostcrust.bandcamp.com


10389067_906955609324562_4891310469740406889_nPo raz II Wrocławskie ekipy grających,organizujących i aktywnie działających na scenie, zbiły ze sobą “5” i zebrały się w jeden team, aby przygotować dla Was zajebiste free party!
Ci, którzy mieli okazję pojawić się na I edycji “Dyski w Plenerze”, zapewne dobrze wspominają zeszłoroczny gig, który przebiegał w duchu freetekkowej myśli, pełnej kulturze i niesamowicie przyjaznej atmosferze!
Dlatego po raz kolejny zapraszamy Was do wspólnej zabawy!
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