venerdì 13 maggio ore 18.00 reading e presentazione del libro
il luther blisset project a roma 1995 – 1999
[rave up books (2015)]
Continue reading [Roma] Presentazione de “Il Luther Blisset Project a Roma 1995-1999” alla Libreria Anomalia
venerdì 13 maggio ore 18.00 reading e presentazione del libro
il luther blisset project a roma 1995 – 1999
[rave up books (2015)]
Continue reading [Roma] Presentazione de “Il Luther Blisset Project a Roma 1995-1999” alla Libreria Anomalia
In collaborazione con il CSOA Boccaccio di Monza, il 21 maggio Mala Femme vi offre una sana dose di musica con performance dal vivo e dj set a cura di Blame Society, Crusted, Modal Nodes, Uncontrolled Beat, Mkn Brigade, Revolt 99, Hardbitch, Revolver SoundSystem, Orgonaut & Pyramid Head crew, Apnea vs Dadi Etro e tanti altri.
Continue reading Malafemme night
On Saturday, May 28, racist boofheads from a nü patriotik grouplet called the ‘True Blue Crew’ (TBC) have organised a counter-rally in the suburb of Coburg in Melbourne. On that date, Sue Bolton of the Socialist Alliance has organised a rally titled ‘Moreland says NO to Racism’:
• Stop the forced closure of Aboriginal communities – Treaty now
• Let the refugees in – Close Manus and Nauru
• No to Islamophobia
Continue reading Coburg ~versus~ The True Blue Crew & United Patriots Front & Co
On organise un festival autour de la micro édition sur Lille, dans 3 lieux alternatifs (Cagibi, La Ferblanterie et le CCL).
Continue reading [Lille] Fest Mine de Rien du 7 au 12 juin
From Idomeni to Calais, images of people trying to pass borders more and more insuperable get to us. At the same time the European states are reorganising the internal management of immigration through new sorting facilities, and heightening control in administrative detention centres.
Continue reading Turin: Call for three days of discussion and struggle against borders and concentration system (en/it)
The group, calling themselves “South Coast Resistance” or “Pie and Mash Squad” say they’re opposed to our city hosting any refugees whilst British people are homless. In reality, this is simply an excuse for their undisguised racism. These fascists don’t care about homelessness, they just want to keep refugees out. The reason for the homelessness in Brighton isn’t the (frankly pathetically small) amount of refugees we’re taking in, it’s the government selling off all the council stock, closing homeless shelters and banning squatting.
Continue reading Stop the Fascist March in Brighton! (4 june 2016)
En esta edición de Furia de Radio, programa que se emite en Irola Irratia de Bilbao, además de poner buena música y ofrecernos algunos comentarios sobre ella, hablan con una persona de las que organizan las próximas jornadas anticarcelarias en Cartagena y Murcia del 21 de Mayo al 5 De Junio que nos explica su planteamiento, y con un compañero del Grupo Pro Presxs de Madrid, que nos informa de las últimas situaciones de conflicto declarado que se están dando en cárceles madrileñas.
Continue reading Furia De Radio 10-V2016. Sobre Las Luchas Que Están En Marcha Ahora Mismo En Cárceles Madrileñas Y Sobre Las Jornadas Anticarcelarias En Cartagena Y Murcia Del 21 De Mayo Al 5 De Junio
Este sábado celebraremos o noso aniversario e estades todxs convidadxs.
Ás 18:00 haberá unha breve presentación do Ateneo, do que facemos, e a qué dedicamos o espazo. Tamén teremos connosco ás Nais Contra a Impunidade falando do seu colectivo.
Despois haberá un concerto en acústico do que poderedes disfrutar mentres enchedes o bandullo co ceador vegano, e para rematar, teremos un concurso de picantes, por se vos atrevedes!
Vémonos aló!
TATTOO CIRCUS a Bologna da Venerdì 13 maggio a Domenica 15 Maggio!