Voglio compagni,
non la massa
Continue reading Tutto il nostro amore per Alfredo e Nicola. Le nostre cellule, è anche con voi!
Tag Archives: prisoners
Represaliado no cárcere de Teixeiro por levar unha camiseta co lema “Carcere=Tortura”
O compañeiro anarquista Sergio Roel, preso por motivos sociais no cárcere de Teixeiro, foi represaliado por sair ao patio cunha camiseta na que puña “CÁRCERE=TORTURA” en letras ben grandes e xunto a unha A circulada. Ademais de confiscarlle a camiseta, quitáronlle o dereito a asistir a escola e as clases de boxeo.
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“Tetrica, Fria y Siniestra…pero no pensante”. Escrito desde la Carcel de Alta Seguridad
Escrito de Mario Pedraza, prisionero desde hace más de 10 años actualmente secuestrado en la Carcel de Alta Seguridad.
“Tétrica, fria y siniestra… pero no pensante”
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Letter from the Revolutionary Struggle Three
And if the mechanisms of repression believe that imprisoning us will finish us off politically, they are wrong. Whether inside or outside prison, for us the struggle is and will continue to be a question of honor and dignity.
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Chile: Letter from Marcelo more than 5 years into an endless trial, as they try to begin a new trial (en/es)
from liberaciontotal, transl waronsociety:
When the State speaks of democracy and justice, they really mean to say social control, repression and punishment.
Trote Matinal (Escrito de Hans) (es/it)
enviado al mail
Ingreso al hall con cámaras de vigilancia que se encuentran en el primer piso contiguo al patio romboide correspondiente al tercer piso del módulo H norte. Hace frío en esta característica mañana de primavera en Santiago. Dejo la silla plástica e el lado de las ventanas enrejadas, suavemente, sin hacer apenas ruido, mientras el funcionario cierra con candado la reja y luego una puerta de fierro.
Continue reading Trote Matinal (Escrito de Hans) (es/it)
Prigionieri – ROS indentifica solidali al processo contro Nicola e Alfredo (it/fr)
Oltre alle misure di sorveglianza e ai dispositivi di sicurezza attivati a margine del processo e della prigionia di Nicola e Alfredo, come prevedibile, le forze repressive si stanno prodigando a identificare chi ha portato la propria solidarietà ai due compagni anarchici.
Continue reading Prigionieri – ROS indentifica solidali al processo contro Nicola e Alfredo (it/fr)
End of February 2002
To the comrades,
To the authority of repression,
On the 18th of April, I’ll have served a sentence of 12 years in Italy and I’ll be extradited to Switzerland to be submitted to various trials with accusations that carry life sentences too.
I do not recognize any legitimacy for government and the repressive machine, consequently I’ll exclude any statements in front of this machine and its representatives, except perhaps spontaneously in public, before the court.
I warn the repressive body not to repeat the extortion of false statements from my family, especially from my elderly mother and from my brother, both not able to be interrogated due to health reasons, through pressure and coercion, as happened after the death of a member of the Swiss Financial Police in 1989, for which I’m charged.
Due to personal reasons, like being too old, prejudiced health and social responsibilities and needs, it would not be possible and responsible for me and that long before, to take up arms and underground life again, in the antiauthoritarian struggle. But I continue to vindicate the necessity of a radical antiauthoritarian struggle against rule and exploitation always more aggressive and destructive (now through technological capitalism and its total war against individuals, societies, cultures and environments of the Earth community) and for ANOTHER NECESSARY WORLD, necessarily based on solidarity and antiauthoritarian and fair relationships among all individuals and communities of things, the non-human and human lives, that form the terrestrial community.
Marco Camenisch
viale dei tigli 14
13900 Biella
$antiago, $hile: Mitin en solidaridad con Marcelo, Freddy y Juan
Mittin Solidario en el Centro de Justicia (Metro Rondizzoni) en el marco de la Audiencia de Preparacion del Juicio Oral (APJO) a las 9:00 hrs el dia Lunes 11 de Noviembre.
Los compañeros no pueden estar solos en instancias como esas, debemos demostrarles que la consigna no es vacia y que la Solidaridad es un Arma!
Solidaridad Revolucionaria