Tag Archives: prisoners

‘Neo-Liberalism And Prisons’ by John Bowden (UK) 2013


via a comrade of Brighton ABC:

Neo-liberalism, an ideology and concept usually associated with a particularly ruthless brand of free-market economics, has now reached into the very core services of the state and institutions that were once considered strictly off limits to financial speculators and entrepreneurs: the NHS, the prison system and the criminal justice system. Neo-liberalism doesn’t just involve a massive shift of economic power and wealth to an already extremely powerful and wealthy social group, but also a fundamental shift in the philosophy and policy of organisations like the welfare and criminal justice systems, both of whose ‘clients’ are now increasingly lumped together as an undifferentiated mass of the ‘undeserving poor’ or an always potentially criminal ‘underclass’ requiring an equal degree of punitive supervision, surveillance and ‘management’. For the poor the welfare state is becoming increasingly like a carceral state.
Continue reading ‘Neo-Liberalism And Prisons’ by John Bowden (UK) 2013

karta de Marcelo Villaroel Sepúlveda frente a su salida a la kalle depués de 11 años y algo más (2003)




Un tiempo nuevo se acerka a paso agigantado y pareciera ke viene kargado de sorpresas, aprendizajes, reenkuentros y mucho de akello ke somos inkapaces de imaginar kuando abandonamos la kárcel pero kuando lo vivimos lo hacemos aferrándonos fuerte a las konvixiones e ideas ke nos akompañan komo opción de vida para konstruir situaciones y momentos kolektivos favorables enkaminados hacia una mayor justeza y plena libertad, de esa por la ke hemos kombatido kon todo desde hace ya muchos años.
Continue reading karta de Marcelo Villaroel Sepúlveda frente a su salida a la kalle depués de 11 años y algo más (2003)

‘I want Comrades, not the mob…’ by the imprisoned members of CCF, plus Andreas Tsavdaridis and Spyros Mandylas (Greece) en/gr/it


In Italy, on 30th October, our two brothers, Alfredo Cospito and Nicola Gai, are going on trial, accused for the gunshots against a high-profile business executive of a nuclear company. The attack was claimed by the Olga cell-FAI/IRF.
Continue reading ‘I want Comrades, not the mob…’ by the imprisoned members of CCF, plus Andreas Tsavdaridis and Spyros Mandylas (Greece) en/gr/it

“Τρέξε άνθρωπε τρέξε: Ημερολόγιο απο τις φυλακές FIES”- Xose Tarrio Gonzales (pdf)


Ο αγωνιστής Χοσέ Ταρίο Γονσάλες περιγράφει τη μακρόχρονη εμπειρία του από τις ειδικές συνθήκες κράτησης (FIES) στις φυλακές-κολαστήρια της Ισπανίας, λίγο πριν δολοφονηθεί από το κράτος στα κελιά της δημοκρατίας. Μετάφραση και πρόλογος του Δ. Κουφοντίνα.
Continue reading “Τρέξε άνθρωπε τρέξε: Ημερολόγιο απο τις φυλακές FIES”- Xose Tarrio Gonzales (pdf)

Processo Marco Camenisch – sentenza del 13.3.2007


traduzione a cura del gruppo/amici di appoggio per Marco Camenisch

Il giudice della corte d’assise di Zurigo annuncia la sentenza: 8 anni di reclusione tolte il tempo che ha fatto fino il processo del 2004 in custodia cautelare e non 17 anni come deciso nel processo in maggio 2004 e hanno respinto la richiesta del procuratore Ulrich
Weder (un vaffanculo che ha detto una volta che sara adotto di usare la tortura in certi casi contro delinquenti!) il tribunale annuncia che una custodia preventiva nel caso di Marco Camenisch sarà
sproporzionata e contro i diritti umani e hanno assunto tutti gli argomenti dal avvocato di Marco.
Continue reading Processo Marco Camenisch – sentenza del 13.3.2007

Political statement of the anarchist Rami Syrianos on his trial (2012)


The text below is a political statement made by the anarchist Rami Syrianos during his trial on May 2012, for the expropriation of ODDY (a state structure responsible for organizing auctions of confiscated cars) on January 2011 in Thessaloniki. Τhe statement first appeared in the “Demolish the Bastille” zine (December 2012), published by the Solidarity fund for imprisoned and persecuted fighters. The comrade was condemned to 8 years and 8 motnhs, a penalty that he serves actually in the prison of Larisa.
Continue reading Political statement of the anarchist Rami Syrianos on his trial (2012)

Grecia. Informaciones sobre el seguimiento. Carta de los 4 anarquistas presos por el caso Nea Filadelfia


( Enviado al email por un solidario compañero traductor)

Aunque a lo largo de los últimos años mucha gente nuestra cayó presa, pocas veces lxs compañerxs revelan ciertos detalles respecto al seguimiento y otros métodos policiales que llevaron a su detención. Lo único que se ha publicado aquí en Grecia hasta ahora fue el primer, puramente informativo, texto de la compañera Olga Ikonomidou.
Continue reading Grecia. Informaciones sobre el seguimiento. Carta de los 4 anarquistas presos por el caso Nea Filadelfia