Tag Archives: Provocazione

Come un ladro nella notte


Alfredo M. Bonanno

Il falso come strumento di lotta


Nota introduttiva

Le potenzialità dello strumento di lotta di cui si discute in questo libretto non sono ancora nemmeno state sfiorate. Il futuro deciderà se esse si tradurranno in pratica oppure no. Se a vederle siamo, e siamo stati, in pochi oppure no. Discutere o suggerire non è più il nostro compito, sarebbe come mettere un cappello alla fantasia.

Buona fortuna.

Trieste, 2 dicembre 2011

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The moral split


Alfredo M. Bonanno

It is not enough for an action simply to be considered ‘right’ in order for it to be carried out. Other elements, such as the underlying moral judgement, are involved, which have nothing to do with the validity of the action. This becomes obvious when you see the difficulty many comrades have in carrying out actions that in themselves are in no way exceptional.

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Kleiner Junge benutzt einen Eisenträger im Trümmerberg als Rutschbahn.; Foto: Friedrich Seidenstücker, Berlin, 1947;

Present-day capitalism has changed the whole of economic reality. The old world regulated by laws and rigid rules where individual enterprises were able to make long term programmes, has changed into one where in order to survive companies must develop their flexibility and adaptability to a maximum degree. Revolution-ary structures, including anarchist ones, also used to be modelled along the idea of a rigid economic reality. Now, at a time when profound technological changes have put production in a state that is near to “chaos”, we are asking ourselves if these old revolutionary theories are still valid. I do not think we can say they are.
A look in passing at some of the old certainties
Continue reading THE “END” OF THE CRISIS




A.M. Bonanno

In a climate of restructuring with hardly a space free from the sobbing of the penitent and the subtle jesuitry of the dissociated it seems absolutely essential to us to reflect critically again on the question of the armed clash.
We realise that we are alone in being against most manifestations of the problem. Alone against penitence. Alone against dissociation. Alone against the obtusity of blind continuism. Alone against the silence that would like to talk but is waiting for a sign of recognition from the State.
Alone against those who refuse armed struggle, considering it to be out of date, or want to put off its use (and therefore the relative organisational project) against the enemy to a hypothetical future of full revolutionary maturity.
Why? why such closure?

The moral split


Alfredo M. Bonanno

It is not enough for an action simply to be considered ‘right’ in order for it to be carried out. Other elements, such as the underlying moral judgement, are involved, which have nothing to do with the validity of the action. This becomes obvious when you see the difficulty many comrades have in carrying out actions that in themselves are in no way exceptional.

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Non-news about drugs (en/fr)


Alfredo M. Bonanno

There are at least two ways to make music. The negative one and the positive one. We can screech as long as we like on the strings of a violin and still not succeed in making what comes out music. But a whole portfolio of scores of the great composers still does not make a musician. It follows that one should not pay attention to how things are said as much as to what is being said.

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La frattura morale – Alfredo M. Bonanno


Che un’azione sia considerata “giusta” non è elemento sufficiente di giudizio perché venga posta in atto, eseguita. Perché ciò avvenga occorrono altri elementi, alcuni dei quali, come la considerazione morale di fondo, sono del tutto estranei alla obiettiva fondatezza e “giustezza” dell’azione stessa.

Ciò è visibile nelle difficoltà che tutti i compagni riscontrano nel momento in cui si trovano ad intraprendere azioni che a lume della sola luce logica sembrano ineccepibili.

Si tratta, come cercherò di dimostrare qui, di un ostacolo morale che bisogna superare, un ostacolo che porta diritto alla creazione di una vera e propria “frattura” morale, con conseguenze non sempre facili a prevedere.

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A.M. Bonanno

Anarchist practice has fallen sharply in recent years, with few actions either at mass level or at the level of specific groups. As a result we see a revival of the issue of how to get closer to ‘communism’ or to building situations that not only express our ideas and ethical and cultural values but are also capable of satisfying our fundamental personal and collective need for freedom. In other words, there is a proposal to create points of reference that go beyond the classical division between the personal and the political.
Continue reading “COMMUNITY” SICKNESS