Tag Archives: Ragusa Costantino

SOLIDARIETA’ E COMPLICITA’ Note intorno al tentativo di attacco all’IBM in Svizzera di Silvia Billy Costa e al processo in Italia


Libro pagine 72, euro 5

La repressione in Italia e la lotta che non si arrende
Dalla Svizzera la solidarietà si allarga
Parole dalle carceri svizzere
Dichiarazione davanti al Tribunale Penale Federale di Bellinzona
Marco Camenisch: quando l’ecologismo radicale è una vita di lotta

Continue reading SOLIDARIETA’ E COMPLICITA’ Note intorno al tentativo di attacco all’IBM in Svizzera di Silvia Billy Costa e al processo in Italia

Italy – SOLIDARITY AND COMPLICITY: notes on Silvia’s, Billy’s and Costa’s attempted attack on IBM in Switzerland and on the trial in Italy


Book, 72 pages, 5 euros
In the numerous solidarity initiatives organized in the last months in many places all over Italy, we felt there was a want for a paper that collected some writings in solidarity, our declarations to the court and the many initiatives and direct actions carried out during the time of our imprisonment. Obviously, such a collection of writings is not meant for self-celebration or attention-seeking; instead, by revisiting that ‘season’, it intends to (re)trace the path that represents the continuity of a struggle inside and outside, during and after our imprisonment.
Continue reading Italy – SOLIDARITY AND COMPLICITY: notes on Silvia’s, Billy’s and Costa’s attempted attack on IBM in Switzerland and on the trial in Italy

Repressione | Nocività – Sentenza per il processo italiano contro Silvia, Billy e Costa



Questa mattina presso il Tribunale di Torino c’è stata la lettura della sentenza per Silvia, Billy e Costa, già condannati in Svizzera per possesso, trasporto e ricettazione di esplosivo per il tentativo di attacco al centro di ricerche nano-tecnologiche IBM a Zurigo a firma Earth Liberation Front Switzerland. Il processo elvetico si concluse con la condanna tra i tre anni e quattro mesi e tre anni e otto mesi.
La procura di Torino, imbastendo un caso tutto italiano, aveva chiesto pene fino a 5 anni e 6 mesi per i medesimi reati. Il tribunale si è espresso con l’improcedibilità per il “Ne bis in idem”, non poter condannare per lo stesso reato, quindi il non dover procedere per difetto di giurisdizione.


Repressione | Nocività – Aggiornamenti dal processo contro Billy, Costa e Silvia


Mercoledì 2 Marzo si è svolta l’ultima udienza presso il tribunale di Torino: hanno parlato l’accusa e la difesa, le richieste del PM sono state di 5 anni e 6 mesi per Costa, 5 anni e 4 mesi per Silvia e Billy.

La lettura della sentenza è prevista per il 23 Marzo.

Per un report sull’udienza: www.tgmaddalena.it

Aggiornamenti su: silviabillycostaliberi.noblogs.org



ITALY -SOLIDARITY AND ACTION February 22 to 28 -2016


SOLIDARITY AND ACTION February 22 to 28 WEEK OF AGITATION throughout Italy against techno-sciences and the world that produces them

 26 February PROTEST AGAINST EFSA, European institute for food safety

 From 12.00 to 17.00 in front of the EFSA headquarters Viale Piacenza – Parma
 “It does not suffice to change the world. We do that anyway. And to a large extent that happens even without our involvement. In addition we have to interpret this change. Precisely because to change it. That therefore the world does not change without us. And ultimately into a world without us.”

Continue reading ITALY -SOLIDARITY AND ACTION February 22 to 28 -2016



On January 13, the first hearing of the proceedings against Billy, Silvia and Costa accused of possessing, transporting and receiving stolen explosives and for attempting to sabotage the IBM international nanotechnology research centre in Zurich was held in Turin. Comrades from various parts of Italy were present in court in solidarity.
 To support their thesis the prosecution presented two witnesses: Digos inspectors from Turin who had followed the investigations that began immediately after their arrest in Switzerland. Only one of the two witnesses was cross examined by the prosecution and the defence. Apparently it seems that the trial will be quicker than was said at the beginning, the next hearing was set for March 2 where the prosecutor and lawyers will speak.
For a complete hearing report refer to www.tgmaddalena.it