Tag Archives: Revolutionary Struggle

Statement to the Athens Criminal Court – 1999


Nikos Maziotis


The following text is the translation of what Nikos Maziotis said to the court during his trial which took place on the 5th to 7th of July 1999 in Athens, Greece. He was convicted and given a 15-year prison sentence for ‘attempted explosion with danger for human lives’ and ‘possession of guns and explosives’ for his action of placing a bomb in the Ministry of Industry and Development on December 12, 97, in solidarity with the revolt of the villages in Strymonikos against the installation of a gold metallurgy by multinational company TVX GOLD. During the trial he again supported his choices politically, as he did from the beginning when he had sent a letter from prison with which he took responsibility of the action against the Ministry. Though he never accepted the charges the state was accusing him of, as revolutionary acts cannot be described in terms of the penal code. In that sense, this trial was not a typical procedure of convicting someone who pleads ‘guilty’ but it turned into a political confrontation as much between Nikos and his prosecutors, as between his comrades, anarchists and revolutionaries and the state and its mechanisms. This confrontation was strongly supported by the presence of comrades from Sardinia (Costantino Cavalleri), Italy (Alfredo Bonanno) and France (Hellyette Bess) who testified in the court in solidarity with Nikos and by the letters sent in support by the imprisoned militants of Action Directe, France, by the ABC of Barcelona and by other anarchist groups from Spain. All these together, along with the presence inside and outside the court of anarchist comrades and of course the speech of Nikos Maziotis against his prosecutors, gave a sense of the international struggle for freedom and of solidarity with all the people in revolt, with all prisoners captured in moments of the social and class war against the state and the capital.

Continue reading Statement to the Athens Criminal Court – 1999

Greece – Solidarity with Revolutionary Struggle members Nikos Maziotis and Pola Roupa on the run, freedom now! to Kostas Gournas



Anarchist Comrade Nikos Maziotis has been transferred to domokos C’type prisons
After Nikos Maziotis’ communication with a comrade, we are informed that
today 30/12/14 he has been transferred to the C’type prisons of Domokos.
The comrade is in a wing on his own. His moral is high.
Assembly of Solidarity for political prisoners, imprisoned and
persecuted fighters
Translated by Act for freedom now!



Greece: Anarchist comrade Nikos Maziotis transferred to the new type C prison in Domokos (en/es/pt)


Revolutionary Struggle member Nikos Maziotis contacted a comrade, letting everyone know that today, December 30th, 2014 he was transferred from Diavata prison to the type C maximum-security prison in Domokos. The comrade is locked up in a prison wing alone, but his morale remains strong.


Continue reading Greece: Anarchist comrade Nikos Maziotis transferred to the new type C prison in Domokos (en/es/pt)

Text by Nikos Maziotis, of Revolutionary Struggle, for the creation of a Solidarity Assembly (Greece)


In the text below, Nikos Maziotis, member of Revolutionary Struggle, suggests the creation of an assembly of solidarity for all political detainees and prisoners-fighters.

Text below from Nikos Maziotis, member of Revolutionary Struggle, to the open assembly of Anarchists / Anti-authoritarians against the specific Type C conditions of detention, Maziotis proposes the creation of a solidarity meeting for all political detainees and prisoners-fighters. At the same time it is an open call to all comrades and companions of the anarchist / anti-authoritarian domain to participate and support this endeavour.
Continue reading Text by Nikos Maziotis, of Revolutionary Struggle, for the creation of a Solidarity Assembly (Greece)

Text of Nikos Maziotis for the formation of an Assembly of Solidarity (Greece)


In the text below Nikos Maziotis, member of Revolutionary Struggle, suggests the creation of meeting of solidarity for all political detainees and prisoners in struggle. At the same time this is an open call to all comrades and companions of the anarchist / antiauthoritarian domain to participate and support this endeavor.

The text is also sent to all political detainees and imprisoned fighters.

Comrades, companions- this text addresses you concerning the Type-C prisons, and my proposal for the transformation of that meeting as much as it concerns the issue of solidarity.
Continue reading Text of Nikos Maziotis for the formation of an Assembly of Solidarity (Greece)








Oral declaration to the court (2011)


Pola Roupa

Let me begin by commenting on the main accusation against us, that we have founded a “terrorist organization”, by which “we were targeting the country’s established constitutional order seeking its overthrow or even its alteration”. I would like to underline this point. This charge by itself is the biggest proof that this is in fact a political trial. There is no better confession that this is an armed group which has turned against the establishment, against the established order. This charge by itself is a confession that we are political subjects, who have shared political objectives, and that the action of our group was clearly political.

However, you do not admit that we are a political organization, because this would in fact be an indirect admission that there is some political rival to this system; namely that Revolutionary Struggle (Epanastatikos Agonas) is a political organization which advocates another type of society; another type of social, political and economic organization.
Continue reading Oral declaration to the court (2011)

Comunicato dei tre membri prigionieri di Lotta Rivoluzionaria riguardo agli attacchi alle ambasciate a Roma (2010)


In merito ai pacchi-bomba che sono stati inviati alle ambasciate di Cile e Svizzera a Roma il 23/12/2010, che hanno provocato il ferimento di due funzionari e la rivendicazione da parte della FAI informale – Cellula rivoluzionaria Lambros Fountas, dichiariamo quanto segue:

Come Lotta Rivoluzionaria abbiamo sempre scelto di compiere le nostre azioni con dei fini politici. Abbiamo sempre puntato contro status-quo, le istituzioni e chi le rappresenta e protegge. Abbiamo sempre organizzato le nostre azioni in questo modo, per evitare infortuni di persone che non sono i nostri bersagli politici, inoltre non abbiamo mai fatto azioni con il risultato di infortuni, ad esempio quello casuale di un ufficiale d’ambasciata, come è accaduto nel caso dei pacchi bomba.

Questo modo di agire è sempre stato fondamentale per le nostre azioni e quindi anche per il nostro compagno deceduto, e membro dell’organizzazione, Lambros Fountas. Per questo motivo chiediamo che non vengano fatte azioni di questo tipo nel nome del compagno.

Paula Roupa, Nikos Maziotis, Kostas Gournas

Declaración política de Pola Rupa en el juzgado especial de la prisión de Koridalós el 29/01/2013


Autorizo a mi abogado defensor Dafni Bagianou a leer lo siguiente, durante la etapa del procedimiento oral en el cual se solicita la declaración de los acusados en el juzgado especial de la prisión de Koridalós, el cual ha sido encomendado para juzgar el caso de la organización Lucha Revolucionaria.

Este texto no constituye una declaración de disculpa. No siento ni he sentido nunca que tenga que rendir cuentas por mis elecciones políticas ante ningún representante del poder. Lo único que puede juzgar mi acción y mis elecciones es la historia revolucionaria y sus portadores. Como revolucionaria consideré siempre y considero como mi deber y a la vez mi derecho intransferible el defender mis elecciones políticas. Es más, es un placer para mí el defender públicamente y sin tener en cuenta el coste político, las elecciones de lucha que constituyen un importante ejemplo de acción política en base a mi profunda convicción. Y un ejemplo tal fue la organización Lucha Revolucionaria, en la cual tuve el honor de participar. La organización Lucha Revolucionaria, cuya participación en la misma defendí con placer tras mi detención, fue un componente importante de la amplia lucha subversiva y su presencia en la escena política revolucionaria constituyó y constituye –de esto estar seguros– un punto decisivo para muchos luchadores. Algunas de las acciones de la organización constituyeron hechos muy importantes de la historia revolucionaria contemporánea y de esta forma permanecerán grabadas en la memoria de muchos hombres. No son pocos aquellos que las recuerdan con frecuencia, como nosotros mismos hemos corroborado desde el momento en el que fuimos excarcelados, debido a que se superó el tiempo establecido de prisión preventiva. También lo hemos corroborado durante las movilizaciones del último año. Esto sucede porque se hace perceptible para muchos la falta de una acción armada revolucionaria de este tipo en la época que vivimos. Época que como todos los explotados pueden corroborar hoy, constituye el periodo más oscuro para nuestro país y también para todo el mundo. Época, en la que cada vez más [personas] perciben que sólo formas de lucha y soluciones radicales y subversivas conseguirán sacar a la sociedad y al país del precipicio al que nos ha lanzado la economía supranacional y el poder político así como sus sirvientes subordinados, como son los gobiernos griegos y los políticos del régimen que participan en el parlamento.

Continue reading Declaración política de Pola Rupa en el juzgado especial de la prisión de Koridalós el 29/01/2013