Wednesday, June 2, 2010
On April 10, 2010 I was brought (sic)-kidnapped by the anti-terrorism department of the Greek Police. After an unnecessary show attended and conducted by numerous riot squads, undercover cops, emergency patrol, prosecutors, etc., who broke doors (although I surrendered my keys) and found funny ‘finds’ in my home such as anti-authoritarian printed material, romans, political books and many movies, I was sent to the police headquarters in Athens, where for several hours several masked men passed in front of me without answering my question on what I was prosecuted or arrested for, without allowing any communication with my lawyer, and without asking me anything at all. Late in the evening on April 11th, I was notified by the arrest report that I was accused for participating in the organization of Revolutionary Struggle and I was charged with nothing less than the entire criminal code. For the record, although I was arrested, I was not allowed again to contact my lawyers.
Continue reading letter from Sarantos Nikitopoulos (2010) →

Nikos Maziotis, Pola Roupa e Kostas Gournas condannati a 87 anni di carcere.
Christoforos Kortesis, Vaggelis Stathopoulos condannati a 7 anni di carcere.
Marie Beracha, Kostas Katsenos, Sarantos Nikitopoulos assolti per insufficienza di prove.
Continue reading Sulle condanne contro Lotta Rivoluzionaria →
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