Tag Archives: Siria

SYRIA: The life and work of anarchist Omar Aziz, and his impact on self-organization in the Syrian revolution


Omar Aziz (fondly known by friends as Abu Kamel) was born in Damascus. He returned to Syria from exile in Saudi Arabia and the United States in the early days of the Syrian revolution. An intellectual, economist, anarchist, husband and father, at the age of 63, he committed himself to the revolutionary struggle. He worked together with local activists to collect humanitarian aid and distribute it to suburbs of Damascus that were under attack by the regime. Through his writing and activity he promoted local self-governance, horizontal organization, cooperation, solidarity and mutual aid as the means by which people could emancipate themselves from the tyranny of the state. Together with comrades, Aziz founded the first local committee in Barzeh, Damascus.The example spread across Syria and with it some of the most promising and lasting examples of non-hierarchical self organization to have emerged from the countries of the Arab Spring.
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Nueva edición de Proletarios Internacionalistas sobre los acontecimientos en Siria estos últimos años


Con esta publicación queremos realizar un breve balance sobre lo que ha acontecido en Siria desde que comenzara la sublevación proletaria en marzo de 2011. Basado en informes, discusiones, investigaciones, textos y análisis internos, que han ido circulando entre nuestros compañeros, este texto es parte de la tentativa de nuestra clase de hacer un balance de lo sucedido en esa región.
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Paul Z. Simons on the Dispaches from Rojava; part 1 of 3


In 2012, a power vacuum formed in parts of northern Syria as a result of the civil war. These areas, part of the lands inhabited by Kurdish peoples,soon became a testing ground for an implementation of an anti-state communalism influenced in part by an American former Anarchist turned Communalist named Murray Bookchin.
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Al Hawl liberated!


What a great day for Kurds and Humanity: After the liberation of the Yezidi City Shingal this morning, the Kurdish YPG Forces and their Arab & Assyrian allies have taken full control of the strategic bordertown Al-Hawl a few hours ago. ISIS supply lines between Mosul and Raqqa are cut now through these liberations! Al-Hawl is located a few kilometers to the east of Shingal thus improve the security situation of the region. In addition, the city is rich in gas and oil fields.
Happy Friday the 13th!


Sinjar liberata dall’ISIS, vendicato il genocidio degli yezidi


Dopo più di 100 morti tra le fila dell’ISIS ed una ventina circa tra curdi e loro alleati, i violentissimi scontri delle ultime ore nella città montana di Sinjar (Shingal o Shengal in curdo) si avviano finalmente al termine – ponendo fine ad una situazione di stallo che durava da inizio anno.
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Turkish Military, ISIS Terrorists, Simultaneous Attacks Around Kobani (en/ess)


HASAKAH, Rojava (November 10, 2015) — On the 9th of November, combined forces of the People’s Defense Units (YPG) and the Women’s Defense Units (YPJ) started an clearance operation against a group of terrorist elements preparing for attacks near the village Sabi Zilam on the slopes of Mount Kezwan (Abd al-Aziz). The Defense Units managed to target and successfully destroy a vehicle of terrorists, killing 4 terrorist operatives including 2 senior commanders known as Abu Omar and Abu Yousef.
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