Tag Archives: Spyros Stratoulis

Grecia: Testo di solidarietà – Rete di prigionieri anarchici


2 luglio 2012, 25 persone vengono arrestate nelle diverse parti di Salonicco, con l’accusa di appartenenza ad una organizzazione criminale e altri pesanti reati.


Vengono trattenuti nelle celle di detenzione provvisoria di GADTH (sede centrale della polizia di Salonicco) fino all’interrogatorio, dopodiché vengono lasciati liberi. Durante la loro detenzione viene scoperto che l’accusa principale si fonda solo sulle intercettazioni telefoniche che, dopo le costruzioni della polizia, diventano le basi da cui presumibilmente scaturirono gli atti illegali e la partecipazione organizzata degli imputati agli stessi.
Continue reading Grecia: Testo di solidarietà – Rete di prigionieri anarchici

In solidarity with comrade Spyros Stratoulis, on hunger strike since November 11th – Greece


Translated by Actforfee.boubourAs
Solidarity to Spiros Stratoulis on hunger strike since 11/11/2013
Maybe its unexplainable for some, the unfair juridical implication of our fellow prisoner Spiros Stratoulis, who got his leave days regularly and without having violated their terms, suddenly, from a phone tap, lost his right for leave days, which he fought for 21 consecutive years, with tough struggles from inside the walls, struggles given for all of us.
For all of us who can understand, that these struggles inside the prisons are what targeted Spiros and “cut” his leave days, through the grid of a fake indictment set up by some…
He has my direct support in the just struggle he started on Monday 11th November with a hunger strike and I will be with him, until he is justified.
Manolis Karagiannis
prisoner in the 3rd wing of Koridallos prisons



Greece: Call for solidarity gathering at Larissa prison (en/gr)


“Solidarity with imprisoned comrade S.Stratoulis” (graffiti in the city of Larissa on the 17th of November)


Wednesday, November 20th, 2013 at 17.30 (local time)

Gathering outside the prison of Larissa in solidarity with comrade Spyros Stratoulis, on hunger strike since November 11th

In the city of Thessaloniki, the appointment is scheduled at 14.30 in the Polytechnic School, and the bus with supporters will depart by 15.00 sharp.

Immediate acquittal for Spyros Stratoulis from the unfounded, fabricated charges attributed to him.

The passion for freedom is stronger than all prison cells!



Τετάρτη 20 Νοεμβρίου 2013 στις 14.30

Προσυγκέντρωση για τη μετάβαση στις φυλακές Λάρισας

ΣΥΓΚΕΝΤΡΩΣΗ ΑΛΛΗΛΕΓΓΥΗΣ για τον σύντροφο και απεργό πείνας Σπύρο Στρατούλη, έξω από της φυλακές της Λάρισας.
ΤΕΤΑΡΤΗ 20/11, 17.30

(το ραντεβού για το λεωφορείο από Θεσσαλονίκη είναι στις 14.30 στο Πολυτεχνείο και η αναχώρηση θα πραγματοποιηθεί μέχρι τις 15.00 αυστηρά)

ΑΜΕΣΗ ΑΠΑΛΛΑΓΗ ΤΟΥ ΣΠΥΡΟΥ ΣΤΡΑΤΟΥΛΗ από τις αστήριχτες και κατασκευασμένες κατηγορίες που του αποδίδονται.

πηγή : https://gutneffntqonah7l.tor2web.org/calendar/event.php?id=47401


Greece: Dignified prisoner Spyros Stratoulis on hunger strike since November 11th, 2013 (en/gr/es)


The poster reads:

Solidarity with Spyros Stratoulis, prisoner in struggle for over two decades in the Greek dungeons, who is conducting a hunger strike since November 11th, 2013, demanding a full acquittal from fabricated indictment charges for his alleged membership in a fictitious criminal organization (Thessaloniki, 2012), as well as the immediate re-granting of his exit permits from prison.

“I will respond drastically against the vengeance of the State that attempts to break resisters, against its monopoly of decision upon and looting of our lives, as well as against the indifference of every single puppet toward life, freedom and dignity” Spyros Stratoulis, incarcerated in the prison of Larisa.



Grecia: Solidaridad con Spyros Stratoulis, preso en huelga de hambre desde el 11 de noviembre de 2013

Solidaridad con Spyros Stratoulis, preso en lucha durante las últimas dos décadas en las mazmorras griegas, está llevando una huelga de hambre desde el 11 de noviembre de 2013, exigiendo el derrumbe del montaje en su contra, según el que se le acusa de pertenencia a una supuesta organización ilícita (Tesalónica, 2012), además de que se le vuelva a otorgar, inmediatamente, los permisos de salida.“Voy a responder de manera drástica contra la venganza del Estado que intenta quebrar a lxs que resisten a su monopolio de decisión y saqueo de nuestras vidas, como también contra la indiferencia de cualquier marioneta hacia la vida, la libertad y la dignidad” –Spyros Stratoulis, preso en las cárceles de Larisa
