Tag Archives: squat

[ZAD] Programme du 27 au 31 décembre 2013 à la Chat Teigne


Salut, comme l’an dernier, on sera un ensemble composite de groupes solidaires du grand est à venir sur la ZAD et à loger à la Chat-Teigne pendant la dernière semaine de l’année. On a envie de reprendre botte avec le terrain d’autant qu’en face ils n’ont pas l’air de vouloir lâcher l’affaire pour tout de suite. On s’organise un peu au dernier moment et on voudrait passer du temps à se balader, rencontrer du monde en allant filer des coups de main à droite à gauche sur la ZAD et revoir des potes. Alors on sera pas dispo pour accueillir du monde H24. Cela dit, on vous invite à nous rejoindre sur un certain nombre de discussions, projections et autres festivités et on a fait un petit programme provisoire avec quelques rvs (on en refera passer un autre sur la zone si tout est bouleversé) :
Continue reading [ZAD] Programme du 27 au 31 décembre 2013 à la Chat Teigne

Apoya Defiende Ama laCasiKa


La CasiKa está otra vez bajo la sombra de la amenaza de desalojo, ya se archivó la vía penal, pero ahora esta vez es por la via civil y pretenden que este proceso se termine con el desalojo del centro social. Despues de 16 años disponible para los movimientos sociales quieren derribar esta antigua casa y eliminar este espacio para dejar un solar y construir viviendas de lujo.
Continue reading Apoya Defiende Ama laCasiKa

Catania – Nasce lo Spazio Anarchico Occupato Gaetano Bresci

S A O G. Bresci

Spazio Anarchico Gaetano Bresci.

“Abbiamo occupato uno spazio vuoto”. Questa frase di per se è una giustificazione tale da essere chiaramente compresa anche da un bambino. Per distogliere da ragionamenti semplici spesso si frappongono argomenti falsi quanto etiche pretestuose, utili solo a riprodurre lo schema servi e padroni.
Continue reading Catania – Nasce lo Spazio Anarchico Occupato Gaetano Bresci

Sentenza xudicial pedindo o desaloxo do C.S.O. Palavea (A Coruña)


Difundimos aquí o comunicado do Centro Social Okupado de Palavea en referencia a sentenza xudicial que fixa no día 20 de xaneiro a data límite para abandonar o inmoble:

Dende a asamblea do Centro Social Okupado de Palavea queremos continuar informando da delicada situación xurídica na que nos atopamos e das últimas novas con respecto ao noso futuro desaloxo. Para iso, facemos público o seguinte comunicado:
Continue reading Sentenza xudicial pedindo o desaloxo do C.S.O. Palavea (A Coruña)

Germany: Updates from the streets of Berlin, Hamburg and a few other places


previous info here

November 23rd

On Saturday, nearly 6,000 protesters marched in the city centre of Berlin during the annual demo in remembrance of comrade Silvio Meier, who was killed by neo-Nazis in 1992. However, on the same day, approximately 150 thugs from the neo-Nazi scene held a rally in one of their strongholds, Schöneweide, against asylum seekers and a recent attack on a prominent Nazi (Björn Wild, who was beaten up by antifas on the street). The fascists waved Greek and Golden Dawn flags next to other nationalist emblems. The antifascist counter-demo on location was rather small in numbers.

November 24th

Continue reading Germany: Updates from the streets of Berlin, Hamburg and a few other places

Russian army attacks social center in Sevastopol, Ukraine


In Sevastopol, Russian Army raided without any warning local squatted social center “Autumn ball”. Russian army considers the squatted center as their property.

Video documents the events.

In Autumn 10th of August there will be protest action against the raid in Sevastopol 2 PM, there will also be protest action in other cities of Ukraine. You are welcomed to join.

More info about the social center https://we.riseup.net/skc

Facebook community of the social center: https://www.facebook.com/groups/304254123014054/406169672822498/



Fuori da ogni legalità


Lunedì 25 novembre il consiglio comunale di Torino ha approvato una mozione contro le occupazioni che prevede un progetto di riutilizzo degli immobili occupati, a detta loro “ostaggio degli antagonisti delinquenti”, mettendonoli all’asta per raccattare soldi per il “welfare”, o imponendo agli occupanti di regolarizzarsi, accettando patti con la falsità delle istituzioni.
Continue reading Fuori da ogni legalità

Radio Klaxon: the pirate radio made by pirates who have never done radio…


All the versions of this article: [English] [français]

Radio Klaxon (car horn) is a pirate radio made by pirates who have rever done radio. it is a group of people of all genders actively engages around speech on the radio (and elsewhere) against the airport and its world, and in other struggles.
Continue reading Radio Klaxon: the pirate radio made by pirates who have never done radio…