Information concerning the stitched up trial of anarchist communist Tasos Theofilou.
The trial continued with the testimonies of witnesses E.A., P.T, G.M, A.F, N.N, M.T, petros Giotis and anarchist Aris Sirinidis.
We not here that the other 7 witnesses confirmed different sides of the story presented by previous witnesses and showed the scheme set up against t.Theofilou.
The half-hour break went well beyond one hour and when the court adjourned, T.Theofilou asked to make a statement.
He said: I am willing to resign of all witnesses and defence, if the court states that it has decided to condemn me, because thats what Dendias (minister of public order) asked for…
Next trial 22th January
Babis Tsilianidis 3rd release application was rejected. We continue the struggle against the prisons of society, against the prison-society.
Update on the Velvedo case trial The trial is adjourned till Monday January 20th , at 9.30am at the terror court of Koridallos
Because of some matters that have erupted concerning recent incidents in Koridallos we believe it’s necessary to make some clarifications. What we find nodal is to not condemn or politically isolate the C.C.F. as a whole (we are referring only to the cell of prisoners, since cells sign with the same name abroad and possibly do not know, nor are they responsible for other people’s actions) and even more we think that this should not happen due to their theoretical orientation. It is the worst form of politics to blame a whole anarchist tension collectively for actions and choices that concern only a part of it. Whether it’s about anarcho-syndicalists or anarcho-nihilists, critique is independent. What should concern us is the authoritarian behaviour that exists in the anarchist movement, which is often expressed through physical/verbal violence. We consider violence an inseparable part of life and political action when directed against state, capital and authority, but infertile, damaging and self-destructive when mediated in relations between anarchists. Because its objective target is imposition and it restores authoritarian relations between people who are supposed to be hostile towards it, in the worst possible way. The only result is entrenchment, the destruction of dialectic and in the end the cancellation in practice of our anarchist proposal.
Of course this is not a parthenogenesis. Besides, a natural inclination for authority and imposition exists in all of us, as does respectively the passion for freedom and the desire for equality in comradely relations. Often it arises spontaneously from the expression of our contradictory instincts and is expressed with or without moral or political pretexts, but usually with obvious reasons.
Today, Sunday 5/1 at 18.30, outside the A wing, our anarchist comrade Yannis Naxakis was ambushed and beaten up by at least 5 members of the CCF, who were holding stakes. The comrade has been transferred to a hospital outside the prison.
El domingo, 5 de enero de 2014, a las 18:30 horas, por fuera del módulo A de las prisiones de Koridallos, nuestro compa anarquista Yannis Naxakis cayó en una emboscada y fue apaleado por (al menos) 5 miembros de la Conspiración de Células del Fuego, que llevaban palos. El compa fue trasladado a un hospital externo.
L’11 novembre 2013 nel Tribunale di Appello situato in via Loukareos, in Atene, dopo un ritardo di cinque mesi, comincia il mio processo. Un processo in cui dovrò affrontare una marea di accuse per la mia presunta appartenenza alla CCF e per la mia presunta partecipazione nella rapina in una banca sull’isola di Paros. Continue reading Grecia: Lettera del compagno incarcerato Tasos Theofilou in occasione del processo→
Presentamos la carta del preso anarquista Tasos Theofilou a la vista de su juicio (en griego aquí: A continuación sus dos pequeños cuentos que no fueron traducidos hasta ahora (todos los textos del compañero están aquí:
Grecia: Diario Carcelario del prisionero anarquista Tasos Theofilou
Tasos Theofilou fue encarcelado en Agosto del 2012 acusado de un asalto a un banco en isla de Paros y pertenencia a las CCF. El compañero anarquista niega esas acusaciones, pero aun así mantiene con dignidad una posición dentro de la cárcel. Diario carcelario Continue reading Diario carcelario de Tasos Theofilou→