Tag Archives: turkey
Turquie : Fusillade, manifestation, rafles
Une fusillade a éclaté mercredi 1er avril devant le quartier général de la police à Istanbul. L’une des deux assaillants(qui portait une bombe) a été tuée lorsque les policiers ont riposté. L’autre assaillant, blessé, a réussi à prendre la fuite. Un officier a été légèrement touché lors des échanges de tirs. L’action est généralement attribuée au DHKP-C, qui a renvendiqué l’attaque de la vaille au palais de justice.
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1. Anti-Otoriter Buluşma (Ankara)
“Seni yok eden beni var edemez!” söylemiyle kuruluşunu deklare eden Anti-Otoriter Blok, yaşama ve özgürlüğe zincir vuran otoriteleri tartışıyor…
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Anarşist Tahayyül: ‘Demokrasiniz hapishane, adalet saraylarınız infaz kokuyor!’
unanistan’da anarşist yoldaşlarımız 2 Mart’tan bu yana açlık grevindeler. Arkadaşlarımız, C tipi hapishanelerin lağvedilmesi, anti-terör yasasının iptali, kapişon yasasının iptali, DNA örneklerinin alınması ve tespiti işleminde radikal değişiklikler yapılması için bir mücadele başlattılar.
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Turquie : Un commando du DHKP-C attaque un palais de justice à Istanbul
Un commando du DHKP-C a pris ce mardi en otage, dans un tribunal d’Istanbul, le procureur Kiraz, chargé de l’enquête sur la mort du jeune Berkin Elvan, mortellement blessé par la police lors des manifestations antigouvernementales de 2013. Des coups de feu ont été entendus lors de la prise d’otage, qui se déroule dans une salle du palais de justice de Caglayan.
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Dai monti del Kurdistan- ed. Alpi libere maggio 2012
provincia di Hakkari marzo-aprile 2012
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L’esercito turco bombarda le zone della guerriglia
L’Ufficio Stampa delle forze di difesa del popolo(HPG) ha riportato in una dichiarazione scritta che l’esercito turco il 26 Marzo ha bombardato le zone di difesa della Medya, aprendo il fuoco con colpi di mortaio sulle aree controllate dalla guerriglia.
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Istanbul: Anarchist solidarity to the hunger strikers in Greek prisons (en/es)
Today [21.3.2015] in Kadıköy, we marched in solidarity with prisoners in Greek prisons, who have been on hunger strike since March 2nd and who fast to their death. During the march, we chanted slogans: “Destroy Prisons, Free the Prisoners”, “Wage Slavery System will end with anarchy”, “Greetings to the comrades who are fighting and have fallen”, “Insurrection Revolution Anarchy”. This action finished in a peaceful way, but if something happens to our comrades, we’ll turn the streets to hell.
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Almeno 35 morti e 70 feriti negli attacchi al Newroz di Hasake
Almeno 35 persone sono morte e 70 sono rimaste ferite nei multipli attacchi alle celebrazioni del Newroz (nuovo anno curdo) nella città nel cantone di Cezira di Hasake, nel Rojava-Kurdistan occidentale (Siria settentrionale).
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Police Deploy Tear Gas Against Large anti-Power Plant Protests in Northern Turkey (en/it)
Security forces tried to disperse some 2,000 protesters marching against three hydroelectric power plant (HES) projects in the Black Sea province of Tokat on March 15.
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