Tag Archives: turkey

YPS: 23 members of Turkish forces killed in Şırnak


23 members of Turkish state forces were killed in clashes in Şırnak province where popular resistance for self-rule against genocidal attacks endures with determination.

A statement by Civil Defense Units (YPS) said that 23 members of Turkish state forces were killed in heavy clashes in Şırnak province where popular resistance for self-rule against genocidal attacks endures with determination.

Accordingly, YPS units conducted an action against Turkish troops trying to enter Bahçelievler neighborhood in the evening of April 12. YPS reported casualties on the side of Turkish forces, adding that the results of this action will be announced later. 1 member of Turkish troops was killed and 1 drone was downed during the clashes in the same neighborhood on April 14.
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Osman Evcan’la Dayanışma Gecesi


Osman Evcan girmiş olduğu son açlık grevini de zaferle sonlandırdı Devletin sistematik işkencelerine ve cezaevlerinin otoriter tutumlarına karşı Kararlılıkla direnen Osman, 45 gün süren açlık grevi direnişi ile devlete Geri adım attırdı. Cezaevi kantininde bulunmayan vegan ürünler Osman’ın direnişi ile artık cezaevi kantininde bulunmakta. Ancak Osman’ın kantinden Bu ürünleri alabilmesi için, direnişi esnasında olduğu gibi şimdi de dayayanışma içinde olmalıyız. Bu bağlamda Osman Evcan’ın cezaevi kantininden karşılayacağı ihtiyaçlarına destek olmak amacıyla Cumartesi günü saat 19:00’dan itibaren infiAl’de Osman Evcan ile dayanışma gününde buluşuyoruz.


ABC İstanbul

International Anarchist Meeting – Istanbul, Izmir, Eskisehir, Ankara (16-22. April 2016)

2.-afiş-renkli-212x300    1.-afiş-renkli-768x1086

International Anarchist Meeting – Istanbul, Izmir, Eskisehir, Ankara (16-22. April 2016)

The Anarchist Movement, Solidarity with refugees, Anti-Racism, Anti-Capitalism and Antimilitarism in Europe
Continue reading International Anarchist Meeting – Istanbul, Izmir, Eskisehir, Ankara (16-22. April 2016)

Viyana Anarşist Radyosu ABC İstanbul Röportajı


20/03/2016 – Interview mit ABC Istanbul

Im Jänner 2016 haben wir ein Interview mit Genoss_innen von Anarchist Black Crescent Istanbulgeführt. In diesem Beitrag hört ihr die deutsche Übersetzung über aktuelle Kämpfe, Infos zum anarchistischen Gefangenen Osman Evcan und anderen Gefangenen, die von ABC Istanbul unterstützt werden, dem anhaltenden Krieg der Türkei gegen Kurd_innen, Solidarität, Repression und Widerstand, Einschätzungen zur politischen Lage in Istanbul nach den Gezi-Park-Protesten sowie dem konservativen Backlash, der seit Jahren die türkische Gesellschaft durchzieht.

Da das Interview kurz vor dem Internationalen Solidaritätstag mit Trans*Gefangenen (22.1.) stattfand, könnt ihr im Interview auch einige Details zur speziellen Situation von Trans*Gefangenen nachhören.

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Turkey: Osman Evcan obtains victory on 45th day of hunger strike


Osman Evcan gained the victory from the determined struggle in which he put his life against the state inside the thick walls of prison which he is enclosed. Osman, got everything he demanded through this hard period without surrendering to the state. Osman Evcan ended his indefinite hunger strike which took 45 days against intimidation, torture and extermination politics against prisoners and again he proved us that how he is right about his call to raise the struggle. He continued his resistance resolutely by choosing to die with honor and this is the only reason why his demands are accepted. The State’s “punishment” system and their officials that made comrade Osman Evcan suffer hunger for 45 days and tortured him are our enemies. The recognized demands of Osman Evcan are not a matter of grace, instead that is the end of torturous practices. Torture is a state policy. He is grateful to everyone who have held demonstrations, spoken up, and gave support for Osman Evcan’s cause. Osman Evcan is now trying to get over the adverse effects of the hunger strike process, and his present health condition is fine. We will share the message from Osman Evcan soon.

With anarchist solidarity

ABC İstanbul


HPG: 17 special operation police killed in Amed


HPG said 17 members of special operation police were killed and 13 others were wounded as a result of the guerrilla action that targeted a convoy of police forces in Bağlar district of Amed yesterday.


HPG (People’s Defense Forces) Press Office has released a statement detailing yesterday’s action against special operation police in Bağlar district of Amed.
Continue reading HPG: 17 special operation police killed in Amed

Bombalara Karşı Sofralar: Taksim’de her Çarşamba sofralar ve atölyeler


taksim’de iki yıldan fazladır her Çarşamba market ve manavların çöpe ayırdığı yenebilir sebzeleri değerlendirerek herkesle paylaşan Bombalara Karşı Sofralar grubu, Mart ve Nisan boyunca sofraların yanı sıra üretim-tamir veya deneyim paylaşımına dayalı çeşitli etkinliklerin yapılacağını duyurdu.
Continue reading Bombalara Karşı Sofralar: Taksim’de her Çarşamba sofralar ve atölyeler

YPS: 21 members of Turkish forces killed in Şırnak, Nusaybin and Gever


21 members of Turkish forces were killed in recent actions and clashes in Gever, Şırnak and Nusaybin.


The General Coordination of YPS (Civilian Defense Units) has released a statement providing information regarding the most recent actions and clashes in Gever, Şırnak and Nusaybin. Accordingly, 21 members of Turkish forces were killed and many armored vehicles belonging to them were destroyed or damaged.
Continue reading YPS: 21 members of Turkish forces killed in Şırnak, Nusaybin and Gever