Tag Archives: Zo D’Axa

Il Est Élu !




Par Zo D’Axa (1900)

Durant la période électorale l’affiche-programme fut réellement placardée sur les murailles, et le jour du scrutin le candidat satirique traversa réellement Paris, de Montmartre au quartier Latin, fendant la foule enthousiaste ou scandalisée qui manifestait bruyamment. Boulevard du Palais, l’âne fut dûment appréhendé par la police qui se mit en devoir de traîner son char pour le conduire en fourrière, et s’il n’y eut alors bagarre entre les partisans de l’Âne et les représentatns de l’Ordre, c’est bien ainsi que le contèrent les journaux de l’époque, grâce au rédacteur de la feuille qui s’écria : — N’insistons pas, c’est maintenant un candidat officiel !
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He is elected !


Zo D’Axa (1900)


During the electoral period the poster-program was really pasted up on the walls, and the day of the vote the satirical candidate really traversed Paris, from Montmartre to the Latin Quarter, cutting through the enthusiastic or scandalized crowd that loudly demonstrated. Boulevard du Palais, the ass was duly apprehended by the police, who set themselves to drag him to the pound. As the newspapers of the time reported, if there wasn’t a fight between the ass’s partisans and the representatives of order it’s thanks to the editor of La Feuille who cried out: “Don’t carry on; he’s now an official candidate.”
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In ogni occasione


Zo d’Axa
Quando si va per la propria strada, da soli, in ogni occasione ci si appropria del piacere di dire la parola che le persone del quartiere non osano. È finita la preoccupazione di edificare i vicini e la portinaia. Basta morale! Basta traffico! Troppi acchiappa-clienti…
All’argomento della massa, ai catechismi delle folle, a tutte le ragioni di Stato della collettività, si contrappongono le ragioni personali dell’Individuo.

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Heresy – Zo d’Axa


According to the etymology of the word, a heretic is one “who chooses”., choice meant in the strongest of its accepted meanings, as active decision, certainly not in the bland dress of adjustment. A heretic is no one who limits himself to belonging, approving, following. Nor is he even one who is content to study, learn and repeat. A heretic is not one who knows the old answers by heart, but rather one who loves to formulate new questions. The heretic does not demand approval, but rather critique; he does not want to maintain, but to change. If the heretic usually doesn’t go very far, a reproach that is often made against him, it is because he spends his time opening new paths rather than going down all too well-trodden ones.
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