Translated for by Mitchell Abidor. This text was written from jail just two weeks after Henry had thrown a bomb at Paris’ Café Terminus, killing one and injuring twenty.
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Monthly Archives: October 2013
L’insurrezione e il suo doppio
Nel distinguere il vero romanticismo da quello fasullo, Victor Hugo osservava come ogni autentico pensiero fosse spiato da un inquietante doppio sempre in agguato, sempre pronto a frapporsi all’originale. Personaggio di stupefacente plasticità che gioca sulle similitudini per racimolare qualche applauso sul palcoscenico, questo doppio ha la particolare capacità di trasformare lo zolfo in acqua santa e di farlo accettare al pubblico più recalcitrante. Anche l’insurrezione moderna, quella che fa volentieri a meno dei Comitati Centrali e dei Sol dell’Avvenire, si trova a fare i conti con la sua ombra, col suo parassita, col suo classico che la imita, che si veste dei suoi colori, ne indossa i vestiti, ne raccoglie le briciole.
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BLACK FLAGS by Renzo Novatore
Black flags in the wind
stained with blood and sun
Black flags in the sun
howling of glory in the wind
We need to return to the origins. To drink at the ancient fountains.
We need to return to heroic anarchism, to individual, violent, reckless, poetic, decentering audacity…
Continue reading BLACK FLAGS by Renzo Novatore
The False Principle of Our Education
Max Stirner
or, Humanism and Realism
Because our time is struggling toward the word with which it may express its spirit, many names come to the fore and all make claim to being the right name. On all sides our present time reveals the most chaotic partisan tumult and the eagles of the moment gather around the decaying legacy of the past. There is everywhere a great abundance of political, social, ecclesiastical, scientific, artistic, moral and other corpses, and until they are all consumed, the air will not be clean and the breath of living beings will be oppressed.
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Workers’ Autonomy – Alfredo M. Bonanno (Elephant Editions)
Alfredo M. Bonanno – Kronstadt Editions – MAB
Bratach Dubh Anarchist Pamphlets 2
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Editorial Ravachol (chile)
La Editorial Ravachol, es un proyecto de difusión de textos impresos, de carácter anarquista, en la ciudad de Antofagasta.
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The End of the World
Mare Almani
On September 13, 1999, at the power station at Tokaimura on the Pacific coast of Japan, the most serious nuclear accident since the time of Chernobyl took place. During a laboratory experiment, three technicians spilled sixteen kilograms of uranium into a sedimentation tank designed to hold little more than two. The error started a chain reaction that continued for many hours, contaminating the entire area surrounding the station for a radius of several kilometers. |
Texto de Gabriel Pombo da Silva en relación al llamado internacional de la CCF/FAI
Contestación de Gabriel Pombo da Silva al llamado de las CCF
Principios de Octubre 2011
“Aporte para los/las compas de la C.C.F./F.A.I.”
Continue reading Texto de Gabriel Pombo da Silva en relación al llamado internacional de la CCF/FAI
Bulletin critique de la machine-travail planétaire
Continue reading SORTIR DE L’ECONOMIE
Some Not Completely Aimless Meanderings
from “The Iconoclast’s Hammer”
column in Anarchy Magazine
by Feral Faun
It’s time to think about writing another column. There are a lot of topics worth examining–topics to which I have given a lot of thought and which are fundamental to understanding and opposing authority. But I have no desire to put energy into examining these topics right now.
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