BASTARD Conference 2014 – Social War


Celebrating a new day!

The BASTARD (Berkeley Anarchist Students of Theory And Research & Development) conference promotes the understanding that there are multiple valid approaches to anarchism, each of which has points that are worth examining. Come and share your approach. Participate in a commerce-free event with other anarchists who are interested in the theory and philosophy of where we’ve come from, where we are, and where we’re going.

The theme (always loose) of this year is Social War. Some differing voices:

“It can be anything anarchists want it to be.”

“Social war is a concept taken from Foucault that sounds cool and definitely lends itself to grandiose rhetoric, but has little to do with what we are actually trying to accomplish.”

“Social war is this process of doing something. It is our concerted effort to rupture the ever-present deadliness of the social peace.”

“Social War may be one of the few forms of refusal that all anarchists can agree upon and pursue. And that pursuit, of the concrete activities of the Social War, will ideally be done in an aggressive and principled manner.”

This year we are reaching outside of our normal BASTARD organizing routine, and meeting on Saturdays at the Long Haul, so all of you who have been wanting to help organize the most exciting commerce-free anarchist theory conference in the US (but don’t have time on tuesday nights), we’re here for you!

Meetings will start on January 11 at 12 noon, at 3124 Shattuck Ave in Berkeley (very near Ashby BART); bring ideas about speakers, workshops, art, opening and closing events.

The Conference itself will occur on March 23rd from 10am – 6pm at the UC Berkeley campus