Ηράκλειο : Παρουσίαση του ημερολογίου 2014, της Αναρχικής συλλογικότητας ” Sine Dominis ”, Πέμπτη 30 /1/14, ώρα :19:00-23:00


Απογευματινό Καφενείο και παρουσίαση  του ημερολογίου 2014, της Αναρχικής συλλογικότητας ” Sine Dominis ”, Πέμπτη 30 Ιανουαρίου 2014 ,ώρα :19:00-23:00 στην Κατάληψη Ευαγγελισμού, Θεοτοκοπούλου 18 Ηράκλειο Κρήτης.
Continue reading Ηράκλειο : Παρουσίαση του ημερολογίου 2014, της Αναρχικής συλλογικότητας ” Sine Dominis ”, Πέμπτη 30 /1/14, ώρα :19:00-23:00

A clarification on the letter I published on 3/1/2014 Giannis Naxakis


Translated by Actforfreedomnow!
A clarification on the letter I published on 3/1/2014
Describing in my letter the image I formed for the 1st wing of Koridallos I mention a “intense movement” of some prisoners in the sergeants office. First of all I wan to clarify that I did not mean that some of these prisoners are a snitch. What I said I said to stress my annoyance with the continuous coordination between some prisoners and the service.
It is important as well to say that its mandatory for all prisoners, among them me too, to go through the sergeants office for various reasons of daily life. As well, my intense disappointment as imprinted in my letter after the incident with Milonas was a result of the zero support we got from many groups of prisoners in the conflict which followed with the service, a support I consider necessary for the prisoners when such ruptures erupt. I clarify that my reference to specific racial groups exclusively concerns some in the 1st wing and it is unthinkable for someone to believe that I collectively accuse nationalities for the choices of the few.
P.S. A text will follow in the near future concerning the recent incidents.
Giannis Naxakis
4th wing of Koridallos
Act For Freedom Now!

Formalizada por Robo Calificado y en prisión preventiva la compañera Sol F. Vergara (es/en)


“Fuerza Sol, te queremos. Estamos orgullosos de ti”. Luisa Toledo, abuela de la compañera Sol, al momento de ingresar a la sala de audiencia.

La querida compañera Sol es indicada por el poder y acusada de atacar al miserable guardia de Seguridad del Banco Estado, Rolando Vargas Fuentes, donde fue fueron descargadas 4 balas como gesto de venganza por los asesinos disparos que otro colega suyo, meses atrás descargo contra el cuerpo del compañero anarquista Sebastián Overluij.

Continue reading Formalizada por Robo Calificado y en prisión preventiva la compañera Sol F. Vergara (es/en)

Trentino – Perquisite abitazioni di compagne e compagni anarchici


28 gennaio 2014 – In attesa di aggiornamenti e comunicati apprendiamo delle perquisizioni, effettuate in mattinata con mandato per 41TULPS, di alcune abitazioni di compagne e compagni anarchici nelle provincie di Trento e Rovereto, nonché degli spazi di documentazione El Tavan e La Nave dei Folli. Le perquisizioni ancora in corso sono in relazione all’esplosione di una bombola del gas, ad ora non rivendicata, fatta detonare nella notte davanti al tribunale di sorveglianza di Trento, danneggiando diversi uffici di magistrati, banche e altri enti. In alcune abitazioni sono state sequestrate bandiere, bastoni, nastro adesivo e bombole di gas da campeggio.

Seguiranno aggiornamenti.

