Greece: Text of the anarchist Spiros Mandilas about the Anarchist Squat Nadir (en/gr) and other texts

gr dog12q

Lately, various interior matters taking place in Anarchist Squat Nadir, have been published, because of two or three people, thought they should publish a misinformative text of breakaway, in order to justify their cowardice or their failure.

Therefore, since a matter has been published, I owe too, to explain in public what has happened. Especially, since through this text, they accuse me of their breakaway.

Those people, after alienating some comrades from the squat, with their manners and their behavior, they tried to distort the political characteristics of Nadir. So, they started talking about communism, nechayevism, democratic fights, and generally, some things far from the political analysis and nature of the Nadir squat. Recently, those two or three people, even tried to isolate me from the convention’s decisions.

Typical is the fact that they got to the point of changing the email of Nadir password, so that they are the only to have access to the mail.

So, If there is something to be charged to someone, this someone is not me, but those people, for the following reasons: they stood for the political grab-bag, they took the attitude of authoritative behaviors, they got to the point of wanting to sever, isolate and override their detained comrade. Since they understood they can’t make it, those two or three people (who even signed off as Anarchist Squat Nadir), got up and left, or, to be precise, they left chased of their contradictions. For me, a political subject since it respects itself, must have political continuance and consequence, a clear political background and not being a ridiculous acrobat lost in political tensions and tides. For the Anarchist Squat Nadir, a lot of people can talk, yet not the ones who wrote that text. They are not related to it, they don’t go for it…Those people neither respected the procedure of convention, nor some comrades course, they tried to obtain a leadership, and got to the point of giving ultimatums like “this is how it is, whether you like it or not…”.

Obviously, on this matter arose, the responsibilities are not only for those two or three people, but also for me and my comrades, equally, who allowed this to happen. We offered these people political cover, and permitted them to integrate to Nadir and our wider circle, something they were never able to appreciate and correspond to, the way they should.

Another matter arose, is the Athens indymedia attitude. Specifically, the indymedia administrator team, have been informed by me in person, that because of the internality of the matter, it would be more correct, for various reasons, not to upload publications about Nadir, for a week. It was, also, mentioned that some people changed the e-mail password, and as a result, they shouldn’t publish anything sent to them, because it doesn’t stand for the Anarchist Squat Nadir. For reasons they themselves failed to explain, they published the specific, knowingly, misleading text. This was one more straw that broke the camel’s. Indymedia, after turning t the left the last years, has got to the point of managing an internal matter, the worst possible way. This is another reason why I don’t want my texts to be published to indymedia, from now on.

For the reason that the elevation of the problem is the one side of things, the other side is the perspective we owe to create. So, I salute my comrades who work in the direction of rebuilding the Anarchist Squat Nadir.




Translated in English by Chaotic Egoists


Ελλάδα: Κείμενο του αναρχικού Σπύρου Μάνδυλα σχετικά με το Αναρχικό Στέκι Ναδίρ

Το τελευταίο διάστημα διάφορα εσωτερικά ζητήματα που εκτυλίσσονται στο Αναρχικό στέκι Ναδίρ πήραν δημόσια διάσταση χάριν δύο-τριών ατόμων που θεώρησαν σκόπιμο για να δικαιολογήσουν είτε τη δειλία τους είτε την αποτυχία τους να δημοσιεύσουν ένα κείμενο παραπληροφόρησης-αποχώρησης.

Επομένως εφόσον ένα ζήτημα έχει ήδη πάρει δημόσιο χαρακτήρα, οφείλω και εγώ να πω δημόσια τι έχει γίνει. Πόσο μάλλον όταν μέσα από αυτό το κείμενό τους ρίχνουν σε μένα το βάρος της αποχώρησής τους.

Τα άτομα αυτά, αφού πρώτα με το τρόπο και τη συμπεριφορά τους απομάκρυναν συντρόφους από το στέκι, θέλησαν και να αλλοιώσουν τα πολιτικά χαρακτηριστικά του Ναδίρ. Έτσι άρχισαν να μιλάνε για κομμουνισμό, νετσαγιεφισμό, λαϊκούς αγώνες και γενικά πράγματα έξω από τη πολιτική ανάλυση και την φύση του Ναδίρ. Τον τελευταίο καιρό αυτά τα δύο-τρία άτομα προσπάθησαν μάλιστα να με απομονώσουν από τις αποφάσεις της συνέλευσης. Χαρακτηριστικό είναι το γεγονός ότι έφτασαν στο σημείο ν’ αλλάξουν και τον κωδικό του e-mail του Ναδίρ ώστε να έχουν μόνο εκείνοι πρόσβαση.

Αν λοιπόν πρέπει να καταλογιστεί κάτι σε κάποιον αυτός δεν είμαι εγώ, αλλά εκείνοι για τους εξής λόγους : αυτοί τάχθηκαν υπέρ του πολιτικού αχταρμά, αυτοί υιοθέτησαν εξουσιαστικές συμπεριφορές, αυτοί έφτασαν στο σημείο να θέλουν να κόψουν επαφές, να απομονώσουν και να παρακάμψουν τον προφυλακισμένο τους σύντροφο. Αφού κατάλαβαν πως δεν μπορούν να τα καταφέρουν αυτά τα δύο-τρία άτομα (που υπέγραφαν και σαν Αναρχικό Στέκι Ναδίρ) σηκώθηκαν και έφυγαν ή για να τα λέμε καλύτερα, έφυγαν κυνηγημένοι από τις αντιφάσεις τους. Για μένα ένα πολιτικό υποκείμενο εφόσον σέβεται τον εαυτό του πρέπει να έχει πολιτική συνέχεια και συνέπεια, ξεκάθαρο πολιτικό υπόβαθρο και να μην ακροβατεί γελοιωδώς ανάμεσα σε πολιτικές τάσεις και ρεύματα. Για το Αναρχικό Στέκι Ναδίρ μπορούν να μιλήσουν πολλοί, πάντως όχι αυτοί που έγραψαν αυτό το κείμενο. Ούτε τους αναλογεί, ούτε τους παίρνει… Αυτά τα άτομα δεν σεβάστηκαν ούτε τη διαδικασία της συνέλευσης ούτε τη πορεία κάποιων συντρόφων, προσπάθησαν να αποκτήσουν ηγετικό ρόλο και έφτασαν στο σημείο να δίνουν τελεσίγραφα του στυλ “ έτσι είναι και άμα σου αρέσει…”!

Προφανώς, σε όλο αυτό το ζήτημα που προέκυψε οι ευθύνες δεν βαραίνουν μόνο αυτά τα δύο-τρία άτομα αλλά βαραίνουν εξίσου εμένα και τους συντρόφους μου που επιτρέψαμε να συμβεί όλο αυτό. Σ’ αυτά τα άτομα εμείς προσφέραμε πολιτική κάλυψη και τους επιτρέψαμε να ενσωματωθούν στο Ναδίρ και στον ευρύτερο κύκλο μας, κάτι που προφανώς αυτοί δεν ήταν σε θέση να εκτιμήσουν και να ανταποκριθούν όπως άρμοζε.

Ένα άλλο ζήτημα που προέκυψε είναι η στάση του athens indymedia. Συγκεκριμένα, τα άτομα της διαχειριστικής ομάδας του indymedia είχαν ενημερωθεί από εμένα προσωπικά ότι εξαιτίας του ζητήματος που ήταν εσωτερικό θα ήταν σωστό για διάφορους λόγους να μην ανεβάζουν για μία εβδομάδα δημοσιεύσεις σχετικά με το Ναδίρ. Τους τονίστηκε επίσης ότι κάποια άτομα έχουν αλλάξει τον κωδικό του e-mail και ως εκ τούτου να μην δημοσιεύουν ότι τους σταλεί από εκεί γιατί δεν εκφράζει το Αναρχικό στέκι Ναδίρ. Για λόγους που ούτε οι ίδιοι κατάφεραν να εξηγήσουν δημοσίευσαν το συγκεκριμένο, εν γνώση τους, παραπλανητικό κείμενο. Αυτό ήταν μία ακόμα σταγόνα που ξεχείλισε το ποτήρι. Το indymedia μετά τη στροφή προς τα αριστερά που έχει κάνει τα τελευταία χρόνια, έφτασε στο σημείο να διαχειριστεί με το χειρότερο δυνατό τρόπο ένα εσωτερικό ζήτημα. Αυτός είναι ένας ακόμα λόγος που δεν επιθυμώ να δημοσιεύονται από εδώ και στο εξής τα κείμενά μου στο indymedia.

Επειδή η ανάδειξη του προβλήματος είναι η μία όψη των πραγμάτων, η άλλη όψη είναι η προοπτική που οφείλουμε να δημιουργήσουμε. Χαιρετώ, λοιπόν, τους συντρόφους μου που εργάζονται στη κατεύθυνση της αναδημιουργίας του Αναρχικού Στεκιού Ναδίρ.









Athens: Letter of captive anarchist Spyros Mandylas from Koridallos men’s judicial prison (Greece)

“Others unthinkingly followed the paths learned once and for all, to their work and their home, to their predictable future. For them duty had already become a habit, and habit a duty. They did not see the deficiency of their city. They thought the deficiency of their life was natural. We wanted to break out of this conditioning, (…) in search of new passions.”
Guy Debord

A short chronicle of my arrest

On Thursday night, July 11th, 2013 cops of the anti-terrorist force barged in the anarchist hangout Nadir, in Thessaloniki, once again. I was arrested and immediately transferred to the anti-terrorism headquarters in Athens where I got the news that, three hours prior to my arrest, my comrade and friend Andreas Tsavdaridis was also captured outside his home in the district of Stavroupoli, Thessaloniki. I was asked to give fingerprints, DNA sample and photographs but I refused to collaborate, and they took those by force. Shortly afterwards, they notified me I was being charged with all of the attacks that had occurred in the context of the Phoenix Project until that point (Acts 1, 2, 3, 4). I refused to sign any police paper, or talk about anything. Six days later, I was able to communicate with Andreas, who told me the exact same things had happened to him. What’s more, the police announced that the ten imprisoned members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire were also charged as instigators in the Phoenix Project case.

Operation “Armed Joy”

From the moment I was transferred in Athens until the early hours of the next day, cops were conducting a search in Nadir… They confiscated the squat’s server, among other items. However, they focused their attention on the library, as they “discovered” the book Armed Joy with a gun holster depicted on its front cover (a Greek edition of La gioia armata by Alfredo M. Bonanno was published by Nadir squat in June 2013, and the proceeds will go to support imprisoned anarchists). That’s when a large house search began, both in the library and the rest of the squat. They collected fingerprints, cigarette butts for DNA analysis, empty beer bottles and other small objects from the entire library space, in an attempt to find the pistol itself which is depicted on the book cover…

“Covert surveillance”

The Phoenix Project was initiated on June 7th, 2013. It was a call of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire/Consciousness Gangs/Sole–Baleno Cell/FAI-IRF for the regeneration and dynamic resurgence of urban guerrilla warfare. From that day to the 12th of July (the day of my formal indictment), various cells of the FAI-IRF network claimed four attacks.

During the same period, I was tailed by cops of the anti-terrorist force. This infamous “secret surveillance” by anti-terrorism units was everything but secret. Well before my arrest, cops had “warned” my comrades from Nadir that “the police are on their way”, “you tell that to Spyros,” and so on. As a matter of fact, in the course of a “discreet” surveillance along Aghiou Dimitriou central street in Thessaloniki, the cops had mobilized more than five vehicles to let me know that they have allegedly “found out what I’m up to”, insinuating things and thus showing how much they wanted to inactivate me. The fact that they wished to inactivate me so badly and make me their target was also demonstrated by another incident. In mid-June, I travelled to Athens in order to visit the CCF member Christos Tsakalos in Koridallos prisons. The ministry of Justice intervened and blocked me from visiting my friend and comrade, issuing a clear prohibition order at the last minute. Ever since that moment police stalking was even tighter, and I oftentimes spotted plainclothes just outside the Nadir squat.

I am merely emphasizing these incidents to demonstrate also that a person who undertook action publicly (during that period, I went out several times flyposting, I participated as speaker in a book presentation, and so forth) and was monitored so closely (as the cops themselves have admitted) would nearly be impossible to take part in four bombing attacks. Both the leads in the accusatory instrument and common sense imply that it just can’t happen this way. Moreover, the day when the incendiary parcel was sent to Chorianopoulos (the 1st of July 2013) I was in Athens for my visitation in Koridallos prison. The fact that my pretrial detention was ordered without a shred of evidence doesn’t surprise me, nor should it really surprise anyone else. The State recognizes a war between two sides acting accordingly, and we ought to know that they conduct war without any morality whatsoever. It is the other side that has yet to realize this.

I don’t ever want my case to be publicly presented in a way that other cases have been disclosed, with prisoners labeled “innocent fighters.” I am obviously referring to cases in which the so-called movement does whatever is necessary for the release of an innocent comrade from prison, leaving individuals who have taken responsibility for their action caught in the jaws of the State.

In regards to repressive operations of the anti-terrorist force against Nadir squat, to me it is clear they have one and only goal. It is essentially a state effort to tear down the bridge between “public” and “clandestine.” Over the last years, the squat in which I participate has dealt with the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire case among others, and has clearly supported the tendency of new anarchy, carrying out activities, conversations, book presentations, interviews and benefit gigs, and hosting open events that featured interventions by imprisoned comrades, toward the perspective of constant anarchist insurgency. This is also the reason why this anarchist hangout has been targeted by mass media, political parties and cops more than once.

Squats, repression and “formal anarchy”

Lately the issue of squats has come to the foreground because the state apparatus has chosen to invade such structures.

Anarchist squats are structures-projects which can be a valuable insurrectionary tool if used aggressively. If they become an end in itself, however, they end up being laboratories of alienation and alternative subculture, thus relegating the “milieu” to a level of mediocrity. Squats are bases of operation towards insurgency, instead of a place where “students” and “workers” can seek refuge. It is both disgraceful and degrading to claim one’s worker or student status as ideological identity. Squatters don’t need to try so hard to reassure society that anarchy is not this or that, going as far as to offer guarantees about “what comes next.” The truth is that revolution doesn’t guarantee anything…

In addition, one can easily observe the cast of anarcho-holders within the same milieu. No anarcho-paternalists should be allowed to use squats and assemblies for the purpose of creating a circle of people, which they can cash first chance they get by setting up a “café which pertains to the milieu,” or a cooperative with “anarchic” clientele. This is a method favored by other people, with other backgrounds. These PR anarcho-paternalists should leave anarchy aside, and preoccupy themselves with public relations. Anarchy can do fine without them.

Over the past few years the “milieu” has had the worst relations with the notion of offensive solidarity, and preferred to ramble in misery from one crowed assembly to the other, whining about repression at university auditoriums. As a matter of fact, in the case of squatted buildings it is well known that some “anarchists” started to empty their squats after the Public Order minister, Nikos Dendias, issued announcements to warn of evictions…

Over the past four years, and after members of the two main anarchist organizations of the last decade (the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, and the Revolutionary Struggle) were arrested in Greece, the majority of the “milieu” proved their cheapness in an outright manner. In truth, people from the “anarchic space” have endorsed declarations of legitimacy by keeping their distance from, or even by isolating, armed formations. As long as those identified with the “movement” think in juridical terms, as long as their responses are defined by repression, as long as they try to split the inseparable nature of theory and practice, they will surely continue to lose potential dangerousness, infrastructure, participating people… Several anarchists will land on rough ground when they fall off their cloud of “appeal to society”—lost in the dream of “popular revolution”, as nowadays the “milieu” embraces adopted views of leftism with a touch of alleged anti-statism, standing as a kind of opposition.

In contrast to this parody, the tendency of new anarchy talks about direct, constant anarchist insurgency; about anarchist diffusion; the here and now; an insurrection without compromises or truces. New anarchy offers neither guarantees nor an acceptable social role, and is clearly miles away from the cowardice and rigidity of an anarchist/antiauthoritarian space that only has to do with lifestyle.

My greetings to all indomitable combatants of the Negative

Strength to comrade Andreas Tsavdaridis, the CCF members, and the dozens of FAI-IRF cells

PS. Several days ago, some unknown brothers and sisters from the International Conspiracy for Revenge in Indonesia, and the Ryo Cell/Conspiracy of Cells of Fire in Greece dedicated their attacks to us. Comrades, be sure that your gesture gave us great strength.


Spyros Mandylas
Dikastiki Filaki Koridallou, A Pteryga, 18110 Koridallos, Athens, Greece.

via Contra-info in collaboration with Parabellum.


‘The State is the only Terrorist’ – About the repression in Thessaloniki (Greece)

“Towards the end of this night, despondency is impermissible. I risk nothing anymore”
Paul Eluard

Every minute, every hour that passes, the historical evil represented by the State attacks a society that groans and dies slowly under its boot and in passivity.

However, fireworks of anger and resistance do not stop ripping up the generalized darkness and wild voices of fury and conscience do not stop giving birth to nightmares for the complacent and the poorer by the day population and calling for a wide front of resistance and liberation, for the necessity of the revolution.

One such outpost of resistance and of tireless work for the Negative exists for years, NADIR with its two-front irreconcilable fight against the state and the authority on one hand and on the other hand, against reformism and all kinds of capitulation by the “anarchist movement” that “dances” to the rhythm of the state agenda and at times, functions as the long arm of “Democracy”.

This is the reason why the attacks from both these poles are fierce and constant and of course, instead of intimidating us, they accelerate us since we have lived and we have showed though our lives and actions that “what is special is perishing in the battlefield”. Yesterday, special forces of this operetta-state, the EKAM and anti-terrorist mutts invaded once more this center of revolutionary culture and of exemplary anarchist action and kidnapped one of our comrades, while another one was snatched on his way home. Of course, their vindictive fury left nothing intact, breaking and destroying everything, even the sanitary articles!!!

We don’t want to say anything more on this case which is still evolving. We have proved that we are not like the ones who “talk and profiteer in the assemblies smudging papers”…

We will continue unscathed in the ruins, smudging the grayness of the complacent consciences and defeatism with the smokes of the social battle and of our souls, and we recognize ourselves nowhere else but in this fight.

Not a step back,
Always held high our black flags…


Anarchist Squat Nadir
& Insubordinate comrades and solidarians


Thessaloniki: Information from Steki Nadir about the repression (Greece)

Two comrades are arrested and accused of sending the letter bomb to the former boss of the anti-terrorist unit. They are accused of all the actions that have taken place as the ‘Phoenix Project’.

Translated by Actforfreedomnow!boubourAs

Last night, Thursday July 11th, two anarchists are arrested after a large cop operation. As well the cops raid and search anarchist Steki Nadir and the Thessaloniki campus. At the same time there is an orchestrated media operation with the same journalists colleagues of the cops. In “Vima” newspaper, specific spaces and a specific comrade is portrayed.

Friday afternoon, cops make a pitiful announcement.
Heavy charges are attributed with no connection with the confiscated “evidence”. There is a charge for “possession of explosives” with no explosives found. As well, in a stupidity delirium, cops include in their announcement an action in a hotel in Jakarta Indonesia. Obviously, they are testing our limits, the limits of whole social layers, pulling on the rope until they meet resistance.

The scene is repeated: cops arrest comrades, known or not, load them with heavy charges for terrorism and -as an idiom- anarchy, charges which are not accompanied by evidence or findings, then follows the exposure of these people, their friends, relatives, and finally these people will be called after years in prison, to prove in court that they are not elephants, that they did not do what they are charged for.

Unfortunately, totalitarianism which evolves in every field, irrationality, and arbitrariness tend to become the rule. And the rule can be followed by habit, apathy, indifference.

Those arrested in Thessaloniki have been transferred to Athens in GADA (Athens police HQ) since their charges also include participation in a terrorist organization and so to specifically try to connect them with the CCF, which means soon they will get a visit by some interrogator handling the case.

Just after the incidents in Skouries, arrests, beatings, imprisonments and clashes, clashes of teachers at the education ministry, attack of the macho bully delta cops on the intervention for K.Sakkas, and the collaborated attack of cops and neonazis on the social space “Synergio” in Ilioupoli, the state screams “I am and will be here”.

The minister of cops and oppression, Dendias, just after the cops announcement about the arrests in Thessaloniki reminds that the diptych is: oppression and “national unity”.

No one hostage in the hands of the state.
Solidarity to all those who revolt.
Hold strong we are with you.


Thessaloniki, Greece: Open letter to the Steki Nadir from 325


We received your proposal for the counter-information gathering at your self-organised space on April 12-13, our apologies for not being able to respond sooner about it. Our inability to travel to Thessaloniki at this time meant that we prepared a written contribution to be distributed, whilst some of our circle made their further critical thoughts into another text. So here you’ll find two texts in English, Greek and Italian, which are posted openly in the hope of spreading discussion and action ever further.

Contribution to Nadir squat gathering from 325

Qualifications- response to Steki Nadir: A few thoughts on our use of technology by some luddites:

Recently we read the text of Alfredo Cospito to the CCF which we found ourselves very much in agreement with, particularly this section:

“Communication cannot but be carried out through action and this is why we do not have to assign it in some way to the professionals of speech. It is vital, of course, that the news and ideas go around the world. It is necessary however that we avoid in any way the transformation into bureaucracy of a procedure that must remain free from the elite of those who specialize in information.”

We return the warm greeting of Viva La Anarquia in Chile, who we regard as our anarchist friends and comrades; likewise, we send our incendiary hugs to all the groups and networks.

Always next to and part of the combative anarchist tendency!

Always in memory of Ryo!
