DID ANYBODY TALK ABOUT KIDNAPPING? Polikarpos Georgiadis (2008)


Solidarity is an act of mutual aid between friends, comrades, or simply people who might not even know each other in person, but share the same affinities. It is an act of help or support when there is a need for this, and this can be expressed in many different ways.
While practicing acts of solidarity, and also being in situations where others have shown their solidarity to me, I was able to experience the joy of breaking the walls that divide me from other comrades (no matter whether they are they my friends, or simply people I share affinities with), but it also opened up new questions.
While doing this, am I actually helping someone—because it is not so hard to make a wrong move and instead of helping do absolutely the contrary—,and how can I make my action more effective?

Continue reading DID ANYBODY TALK ABOUT KIDNAPPING? Polikarpos Georgiadis (2008)

Revolutionary Solidarity


introduction by
Daniela Carmignani

The concept of solidarity is not only used and abused by the various reformist syndicalist and humanitarian movements and even power itself, it is also sadly emptied of any content by many anarchists. The levelling is such as to reveal a symbolic attitude worthy of the Church but which allows us to put our conscience at rest.

Counter-information and propaganda in the lead, demonstrations (true processions), then nothing, provoke a feeling of powerlessness, a pernicious frustration that sees justification open the way to resignation.

We discover that everything crumbles there where the mentality of the group and quantity thought it was strong. Nothing changes as we enter a vicious circle with mournful calls to a miserable bartering with the State one wanted to fight.

When individuals find themselves alone at night, no longer supported by “collective strength”, the arms of Morpheus transform the imprisoned comrades one wanted to support, to whom one wanted to express one’s solidarity, into a real nightmare with no escape.

So! Should we no longer show solidarity to imprisoned comrades given that it serves no end?

Never! A movement that is not capable of looking after its comrades in prison is destined to die, and that at a high price under atrocious torture.

The reflection must be made in other terms. What does it mean to express revolutionary solidarity? Basically the reply is not all that difficult.

Solidarity lies in action. Action that sinks its roots in one’s own project that is carried an coherently and proudly too, especially in times when it might be dangerous even to express one’s ideas publicly. A project that expresses solidarity with joy in the game of life that above all makes us free ourselves, destroys alienation, exploitation, mental poverty, opening up infinite spaces devoted to experimentation and the continual activity of one’s mind in a project aimed at realising itself in insurrection.

A project which is not specifically linked to the repression that has struck our comrades but which continues to evolve and make social tension grow, to the point of making it explode so strongly that the prison walls fall down by themselves.

A project which is a point of reference and stimulus for the imprisoned comrades, who in turn are point of reference for it. Revolutionary solidarity is the secret that destroys all walls, expressing love and rage at the same time as one’s own insurrection in the struggle against Capital and the State.

–extract from

“Revolutionary Solidarity” (Elephant Editions)



Chi era Calabresi?


Il 17 maggio di quarant’anni fa, alle 9.15 a.m., due proiettili posero la parola fine alla vita del commissario Calabresi, il “commissario Finestra”, addestrato dalla CIA.
Eppure, a distanza di tanti anni, il suo cadavere continua ad emanare un tanfo sgradevole, e si tenta di riscrivere un finale. Questo tentativo passa anche attraverso un film, immondo e servile quanto il suo regista, passato di recente nelle sale cinematografiche. Un film che vorrebbe riscrivere la storia degli ultimi quarant’anni, rispolverando la teoria che dietro le bombe stragiste e la strategia della tensione ci fossero gli anarchici.
Un film che vuole presentarci un commissario Calabresi buono, amico degli anarchici che inquisiva e, soprattutto, estraneo all’omicidio di Giuseppe Pinelli, scaraventato fuori dal quarto piano della Questura di Milano il 15 dicembre 1969, dopo tre giorni di interrogatorio.

Sul 22 febbraio a Nantes (ZAD)


Torniamo a distanza di poco più di un mese sul 22 febbraio scorso, per proporvi un gustoso e dettagliato racconto di quanto accaduto quel giorno a Nantes, durante la manifestazione nazionale contro l’aeroporto di Notre Dame Des Landes. Proprio negli ultimi giorni, e precisamente lunedì 31 marzo, sono state arrestate, per aver partecipato a questa manifestazione, nove persone che si aggiungono alle 14 arrestate il 22 febbraio. Chi volesse conoscere meglio questa lotta può consultare il sito Zone A Défendre che è sempre aggiornato e che contiene anche dei testi in italiano, per chi invece volesse ascoltare un racconto a caldo della giornata riproponiamo qui l’intervento a Radio Blackout di una compagna che c’era:
Continue reading Sul 22 febbraio a Nantes (ZAD)

Internationale Antifa-Konferenz: 11.-13.4.2014 | TU Berlin


Berlin: Internat. Antifa-Konferenz

Im Zeichen der Krise nehmen Rassismus und Nationalismus in vielen Ländern in Europa drastisch zu. Die antifaschistische Bewegung tut sich mit der Analyse dieses europäischen Rechtsrucks schwer. Zudem steht sie hierzulande vor vielen offenen Fragen. Der Kongress »Antifa in der Krise?!« will Gelegenheit zur Analyse, Vernetzung und Intervention bieten. Veranstaltungsort ist die Technische Universität in Berlin. Bundesweit werden Genoss*nnen an diesem Wochenende anreise und sich austauschen.
Ein sehr großes Programm ist geplant. Es gibt Berichte und Diskussionen mit Antifas u.a. aus: Ex-Jugoslawien, Griechenland, Frankreich, Polen, Spanien, Skandinavien.
Continue reading Internationale Antifa-Konferenz: 11.-13.4.2014 | TU Berlin

Información carcelaria de lxs compañerxs detenidos en La Victoria el 29 de Marzo

chile 45rt54321

El 29 de Marzo del 2014, 4compañerxs fueron detenidos en la población la Victoria acusados del ataque incendiario a una micro durante los disturbios del día del joven combatiente. Lxs compañerxs se encuentran dispersos en distintos módulos de Santiago1 (Hombres) y San Miguel (Mujeres)

Miguel:  Cárcel/Empresa Santiago1,modulo35.

Javier: Cárcel/Empresa Santiago1, Modulo4C(Transito)

Chrystal: Cárcel de San Miguel.Torre5

Paz: Cárcel de San Miguel.Torre2

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