Desconocidxs prenden fuego a la excavadora que se usaba para derrumbar el edificio del CSO Can Vies, desalojado ayer.


Según ha informado la prensa burguesa, junto a diferentes comentarios aparecidos en la red social Twitter, en el barrio de Sants, en Barcelona, se han vivido por segundo día consecutivo disturbios y enfrentamientos entre grupos de encapuchadxs y antidisturbios, en respuesta al desalojo realizado ayer en Can Vies, Centro Social Okupado con 17 años de trayectoria ofreciendo todo tipo de alternativas políticas, sociales y culturales al barrio desde una perspectiva anticapitalista, autogestionaria y solidaria.
Continue reading Desconocidxs prenden fuego a la excavadora que se usaba para derrumbar el edificio del CSO Can Vies, desalojado ayer.

The Final Straw: Steve Jablonski on exile against the PNW Grand Jury



Streaming at  AshevilleFM rom 3AM EST on Monday, 05/05/2014 for a week, then podcasting later at and airing on KOWA-LPFM in Olympia, WA, KWTF in Bodega Bay, CA, KXCF in Marshall, CA, and WCRS-LP
Continue reading The Final Straw: Steve Jablonski on exile against the PNW Grand Jury

[Brochure] Quelques textes autour de la lutte contre les Centres l’Identification et d’Expulsion – Italie – novembre 2012/avril 2013


Quelques textes autour de la lutte contre les Centres d’Identification et d’Expulsion

[Italie – novembre 2012/avril 2013]

Sommaire :

Turin : À propos de la lutte contre le centre, page 3

Rome : Feu à Ponte Galeria – entretien avec un retenu, page 9

Chronologie, page 12

Lettre de Greg depuis la prison de la Valette, page 25

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Geschichte / Deutschland / 20. Jh. / Nachkriegszeit: Berlin 1945-49 / Bevölkerung / Armut / Bettelei, Hausiererei

Renzo Novatore

There are those who maintain that the human being is by nature a social being. Others maintain that the human being is by nature anti-social.
Well, I admit that I have never been able to clearly understand what they meant by their “by nature,” but I have understood that both sides are wrong, since the human being is social and anti-social at the same time.

Taking the fight inside’


Mark Barnsley (2002)

Taking The Fight Inside

Twenty years ago, on the day before my release from Maidstone Prison, where I was serving a sentence for ‘possession of military plastic explosives’, I confronted a ritual already familiar from Ealing comedies and the like. Prior to a prisoner’s release, he (for it was always a ‘he’ in the films) was marched over to meet the governor or a senior screw. The con would be wished good luck, and a perfunctory handshake would take place as a show that there was no remaining ill-feeling.
Continue reading Taking the fight inside’