SANTIAGO: En Memoria de Mauricio Morales. Atacan cuartel de la PDI con coctel de molotovs


“Armate y sé violento, hermosamente violento…”

En el contexto de la Conmemoración del compa Mauricio Morales, quien cayó en combate un 22 de mayo del 2009 cuando se disponía atacar a los carceleros; pues ayer jueves 15 de mayo en las afueras del cuartel de la PDI, en calle Condell (frente a la Universidad Academia Humanismo Cristiano) un grupo de encapuchados lanzó cerca de 20 bombas incendiarias al recinto policial.
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Zo d’Axa’s Heresy


According to the etymology of the word, a heretic is one “who chooses”., choice meant in the strongest of its accepted meanings, as active decision, certainly not in the bland dress of adjustment. A heretic is no one who limits himself to belonging, approving, following. Nor is he even one who is content to study, learn and repeat. A heretic is not one who knows the old answers by heart, but rather one who loves to formulate new questions. The heretic does not demand approval, but rather critique; he does not want to maintain, but to change. If the heretic usually doesn’t go very far, a reproach that is often made against him, it is because he spends his time opening new paths rather than going down all too well-trodden ones.
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“Aprendimos Y Disfrutamos El Apoyo Mutuo Entre Los Presos”. Entrevista A Manolo Martínez , Ex-Preso Social COPEL


Hubo un tiempo no muy lejano en el que a pesar de las penalidades que se podía pasar en las cárceles, había una unión y solidaridad encarnada en la Coordinadora de Presos en Lucha (COPEL) que ha desaparecido de cualquier ámbito, dando paso, salvo excepciones, al más alto grado de individualismo y competitividad promovido por el sistema. Manolo nos recuerda cómo las ideas anarquistas son mucho más que pensamientos y escritos, pudiéndose llevar a la práctica hasta en las condiciones más adversas.
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Some Nihilists I Have Met


by Voltairine de Cleyre

[From Worthington’s Illustrated Monthly Magazine (Hartford CT), October 1893]

The word nihilist is so generally associated with darkness, secrecy, dynamite, assassination and blood, that had someone whispered five minutes before the encounter, “You are about to meet a Russian nihilist,” I should, no doubt, have hastily retreated to the shelter of law-abiding domiciles, far from the dirty, tortuous, downtown quarter, where, amidst a labyrinth of alleys and deceitful little streets that mockingly led against walls, and then turned back into one another, I found myself one snowy afternoon, picking my way somewhat disgustedly with no very clear idea concerning my exact whereabouts.
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