Monthly Archives: July 2014
EastWest – An anarchist newspaper
From Indybay
We can visualize it as one giant teardrop. It begins deep in the east, where the level plains open up to the dry inland valleys and the 580 and 880 freeways connect. Between these two concrete lines is a giant flat expanse, a grid of epic proportions, containing a history that is largely untold, marginalized, and relegated to the hollows of the collective memory. It is here, within this concrete teardrop, that we find all we need to know about what has happened to the world around us and where it will lead should we follow the proscribed lines and fail to see the colors bursting around us.
Mexico: New letter from compa Carlos López “Chivo”
From contrainfo, translation waronsociety:
I start this letter by sending a sincere greeting to the compas outside these walls, hoping that the unisonous rhythm of rebellion continues to beat in their hearts and that this is reflected in their daily actions.
Last week I was very happy to receive a small but important detail which the compañerxs got to me in prior warning. Amidst the monotonous and heavy daily life of imprisonment, one hopes that “something” outside of the routine will happen, and this is why at more or less the indicated time I set my gaze on the sky and the greeting arrived in the form of fireworks.
Continue reading Mexico: New letter from compa Carlos López “Chivo”
Stop NATO Summit – International Newsletter / Info (Wales)
Between Saturday August 30 and Friday September 5 the leaders of the so-called North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) countries will be inflicting themselves on Newport- a little town in South Wales. Hiding themselves behind a wall of their thugs.
Check out this newsletter about making life difficult for them from anarchist action network and stop nato cymru.
Chile: Update on the situation of Tamara Sol – harassment and punishment
From instintosalvaje, translated by waronsociety:
Note by Instinto Salvaje: Our solidarity with our compañera Tamara Sol Farias Vergara is unrestricted, therefore we cannot be quiet about the situation that is happening with our compañera and her family. We only wish to express our irreducible love for our sisters and brothers in prison and for their families and close circle. And to our enemies we want to make clear our hatred with a few words and in each action that each individual andcompañerx deems fitting.
Continue reading Chile: Update on the situation of Tamara Sol – harassment and punishment
Savona, Italy – Three-day initiative at Margonara beach and benefit in solidarity with anarchist comrades Gianluca and Adriano
We’re meeting at Moloverde like every year, following the wave of protests against the project – by now almost extinct – for the construction of a tourist resort on the beach of Margonara, in Savona. After initiatives, concerts, BBQs and shared expereinces, we are thinking to rebuild what the usual speculators of the concrete industry have destroyed in the last years.
Right on these rocks beautiful huts could be found, which were used by both local fishermen and wonderers or homeless. This year we’re coming back for a three-day initiative dedicated to the construction of a new hut, which will be used by anyone passing by, a first step in the hope to see more huts being built in the area as was in the past.
Works will start on Friday 25th July at 2pm and finish on Sunday 27th July.
Il 15 luglio scorso si è conclusa l'istruttoria del processo per i fatti di Piazza Verdi a Bologna
del 2007, processo di cui non si è ancora arrivati nemmeno al Primo Grado di giudizio e che vede
coinvolti quattro compagni e una compagna.
In questa occasione il pm Simone Purgato ha chiesto per i cinque, che all'epoca erano stati arrestati
e incarcerati per aver ostacolato un TSO, pene elevate, dai 6 anni e mezzo ai 7 e mezzo di
Queste richieste di condanna sono evidentemente un tentativo di creare un precedente e di
intimorire i compagni. Allo stesso modo, per fermare e reprimere i cinque, sono state inventate delle
accuse nei loro confronti in una tipica montatura di stato.
Il 17 ottobre prossimo, alle 10.00, si terrà un'altra udienza, in cui potrebbe venire emessa la
Consapevoli che i veri pazzi stanno fuori, non facciamo un passo indietro.
Massima solidarietà e complicità con Madda, Sirio, Fede, Juan, Fako!
Anarchici e Anarchiche
Roma -18 luglio 2014.
I compagni anarchici Gianluca Iacovacci e Adriano Antonacci sono stati condannati , in primo grado in rito abbreviato,gup Simonetta D’Alessandro, rispettivamente a 6 anni e a 3 anni e 8 mesi per una serie di sabotaggi ed attacchi ai danni dell ‘Eni, Enel e banche nella zona dei Castelli romani tra il 2010 ed il 2013 .E’ stato riconosciuto il reato associativo con finalità di terrorismo internazionale.Gianluca ha rivendicato individualmente una parte degli attacchi a firma Fai, nel corso del processo ha rifiutato la difesa, entrambi si sono rifiutati di partecipare al processo in videoconferenza.
Gianluca Iacovacci
CC di Alessandria
Via Casale 50/A
15122 San Michele (AL)
Adriano Antonacci
CC di Ferrara
Via Arginone 327
44122 Ferrara
Athens: Anarchist gathering in solidarity with Revolutionary Struggle member Nikos Maziotis
The State and the Capital are the only terrorists
Germany-Switzerland: Hunger strike in solidarity with inmates in Greek prisons
Update on the planning of a hunger strike in solidarity with inmates in Greek prisons, in Germany (18-20).
Continue reading Germany-Switzerland: Hunger strike in solidarity with inmates in Greek prisons