Message of Olga Economidou, CCF: Imprisoned Members Cell, about her participation in the hunger strike against maximum security prisons (Greece)


Inter Arma received and translated:

There are two cases of people in this world. The ones who voluntarily let their life be wasted passively inside locked days, one after another, and the ones who dream with their eyes open and want to destroy all the world’s locks that cage our life behind bars, inside walls, in habits, rules, laws… Do not look for us in the first group…. Since today, Wednesday 25th of July, I participate in the hunger strike against the functioning of Domokos’ Guantanamo.


Olga Economidou – Imprisoned Members Cell/CCF

Women’s prison


‘Militant Forces Against HLS, Blackmail 3 & The SHAC Model’ (Dark Matter Publications)


UPDATED PDF: MFAH, Blackmail 3 & The SHAC Model

Animal liberationist zine about the fight against Huntingdon Life Sciences.

I claim this opportunity to dedicate this zine to Darko Matthers. A friend &
comrade I spent many hours with discussing anarchism, nihilism, and what he coined ‘civil anarchism’. The section on the MFAH [Militant Forces Against Huntingdon] is dedicated to him, for his contribution in publishing insurrectionist zines such as “August 2011 Revolt”, as well as his strong conviction in critical analysis.

Person(s) unknown

Greece: Update concerning the second session of the trial about the case of “Phoenix” Project


Today, Wednesday 2nd of July, there was the second session of the trial about the “Phoenix” Project. The 12defendants (Andreas Tsavdaridis, Spyros Mandylas and the 10 imprisoned members of CCF) were notpresented in court because they are recovering from the 8-day hunger strike in which they participated againstthe bill for the maximum security prisonsThey also asked not to be represented by any lawyerWe remind that the trial began on June the 4th and it concerns three acts of the “Phoenix” Project (Acts 124). The trial was postponed to Wednesday 16th of July.

Not a milimeter back,
9 milimeters to the cops’ heads.

México- Revista: Ellos No Pueden Parar la Revuelta

ellos no pueden pararehardrock



– Editorial
– Cárcel, metralla, explotación y miseria; esa es la paz de la dictadura del capital-
– Reflexiones críticas y radicales alrededor del problema del petroleo
– Notras sobre el revisionismo anarquista
– El mito de la izquierda se cae de maduro
– Páginas malditas
– Recomendaciones

Prigionieri – Aggiornamenti sul processo contro Adriano e Gianluca


da rete evasioni

Il 4 luglio presso il Tribunale di Roma si è tenuta la seconda udienza del processo contro Gianluca e Adriano.
Nonostante fosse a porte chiuse, alcuni e alcune solidali sono entrati in aula approfittando del momentaneo vuoto di controllo, dovuto a tutte le formalità cerimoniose che caratterizzano la fase iniziale delle udienze. Hanno urlato con forza la loro rabbia contro un procedimento che si svolge nella totale assenza degli imputati.
Continue reading Prigionieri – Aggiornamenti sul processo contro Adriano e Gianluca