Poznan: Od:zysk under threat – police prepare for illegal eviction


In the last few days we have seen increased police activity around Od:zysk squat in Poznan, Poland. Plain-clothed officers have been watching the people entering and leaving the building, taking pictures, ID-ing people and harassing our guests and inhabitants of the squat. We have also heard about police preparing to enter the building by force and performing an illegal eviction.

What is important to say is that it’s all happening while we’re still negotiating with the owner of the building. Przemyslaw Wozny, the president of Paderewski Ltd. company, who bought the building with its tenants in March 2014, has been talking about a peaceful solution to this conflict, and on the other hand, he’s been preparing to enter the building with the bailiff and the police. Therefore, he breaks off the negotiations and aims at confrontation. We would like to state that if anyone tries to enter the building without our permission, they will not be let in. The building is a home for dozens of people and we’re protected by occupier’s status, therefore any kind of intervention will be illegal. If Przemysław Woźny, the police or any other representative of the owner will try to do it, they will be met with firm resistance.

[Source: odzysk.org.]