Monthly Archives: December 2014
Renversons les poubelles !
Tract diffusé par un groupe inconnu à Paris lors de la grève des éboueurs d’avril 1970
L’argent n’a peut-être pas d’odeur, mais le système capitaliste est en train d’en trouver une, celle qu’il mérite, celle de sa merde ! La ville commence a s’emplir de poubelles, résidus d’une société qui consomme autant qu’elle jette, société marchande contemplant aujourd’hui le spectacle de ses emballages encore à demi pleins, société pauvre qui crache des résidus de luxe pour conserver ses faibles forces productives.
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Málaga II: la cárcel vacía más grande del mundo. Un macronegocio más, una corrupción política más.
Arquitectura para destruir personas. Imposible reeducación y reinserción. Concertinas en el vallado. 16 pabellones. Más de mil celdas. 350.000 metros cuadrados: es la cárcel vacía más grande del mundo. Está en Archidona, Málaga, pueblo gobernado desde hace más de diez años por izquierda unida.
Continue reading Málaga II: la cárcel vacía más grande del mundo. Un macronegocio más, una corrupción política más.
Milano zucchero e catrame: voci da Corvetto
Mentre a Milano proseguono le mobilitazioni dei quartieri contro il piano sgomberi delle case occupate, raccogliere le voci dei protagonisti della resistenza in corso può valere come strumento per affinare le armi dell’analisi e delle prospettive pratiche. In questo primo contributo, alcune voci dal Corvetto.
[Madrid, 5-8/XII] Doceava edición del ENCUENTRO del Libro Anarquista de Madrid
The Policy of The International.
[The Policy was published in Egalite In 1869. It was translated by K. L. from a German version, in 1911, and was published in the Herald of Revolt, for October of that year under the title of “The Issue.” It is now republished under its original title.-ED.]
“Up to now we believed,” says a reactionary paper, “that the political and religious opinions of a man depended upon the fact of his being a member of the International or not.”
Continue reading The Policy of The International.
Barna / 5-12 / 19:30 H / Concentración en solidaridad con Nikos Romanos./ Pl. Revolució-Gracia.
5 Desembre, 19,30h
Pl.Revolució Gracia
[No TAV Savoie] Rassemblement le 6 décembre à 14 heures devant la préfecture à Chambéry.
A l’occasion des Journées mondiales contre les projets nuisibles et imposés des 6-7 décembre le comité No-Tav de Chambéry se joint à l’appel du collectif « Tant qu’il y aura des bouilles, il n’y aura pas de barrage » de Sivens et appelle à un rassemblement à Chambéry le 6 Décembre 2014 à 14 heures devant la préfecture.
The Story of a Proletarian Life
Bartolomeo Vanzetti
The case of Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti has attracted world-wide attention. Yet very few of our people, except those immediately associated with the case, are at all familiar with the personalities of the two men whose fate has aroused this strong international interest.
It has been my privilege to know Vanzetti personally, and I have been struck by his simple-heartedness and sincerity. The belief in his innocence, widely held among those who followed the trials, is strengthened upon personal acquaintance. Though he has been living for more than three years under the shadow of a death sentence, he has maintained an equable temper and keen interest in world affairs, and his thirst for knowledge is unabated. Each inmate of the Massachusetts State prison at Charlestown has to do daily an amount of piece-work that is supposed to take eight hours; but Vanzetti, by extra diligence, gets through his task ahead of time, and uses the extra leisure to study English literature.
Vanzetti’s autobiography is here presented in pamphlet form for the first time. It is a remarkable human document. Let the reader consider it with an open mind, and judge for himself whether it indicates a character of the criminal type.
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