Resisting prison expansion


January 12 @ 7:30 pm9:00 pm

“Stop the expansion of prisons, immigration detention centres and secure colleges!

A meeting to discuss and plan action against the growth of the prison industrial complex – the profit-making industry through which the state threatens, criminalises and imprisons working class, Black, queer, young and disabled people, migrants and others, while private companies profit from harm.

The UK has the most privatised prison system in Europe. Its embrace of surveillance, policing and repressive policies are making it open ground for companies intent on profit.

Find out about plans for:
• A 2-3,000 place mega-prison in West London
• Campsfield Immigration Detention Centre expansion
• A new child’s prison, the ‘Secure College’
• Europe’s 2nd largest prison in Europe being built in North Wales

And plan what to do about it.


Includes speakers from:

Community Action against Prison Expansion

Prison Action London (the London branch of the Empty Cages Collective – the UK’s main prison abolition group)

Close Campsfield Campaign


Bring friends, creative energy and rage. It’s easier to stop prisons being built than to tear them down!”