Block the Budget and Week of Action February 2015


Instro Precision in Kent has been occupied since 5am this morning, for their role in repression in both Israel and Afghanistan. Instro is owned by Elbit Systems, just like the UAV Engines factory shut down in summer 2014 during Israel’s “Protective Edge” assault.
Instro Precision, an arms company near Broadstairs (Kent), was occupied at 5am this morning to protest its sales to both Israel and Afghanistan. Four people are on the roof with banners to shut the factory down, with ten more on the ground, one of whom is locked to the fence.
Continue reading Block the Budget and Week of Action February 2015

TFSR: Fifth Estate Magazine (A conversation with Peter Werbe)


Streaming at AshevilleFM from 3am EST on February 16th through February 22nd, 2015, then podcasting at Also airing this week on KOWA-LPFM in Olympia, WA, KWTF in Bodega Bay, CA, KXCF in Marshall, CA, and WCRS-LP Columbus Community Radio 98.3 and 102.1 FM

[México] Contra lxs izquierdistas “revolucionarixs” y lxs izquierdistas electorerxs


“Únete pueblo”, “Si nos dividimos nos ahorcan por separado”, “El pueblo unido jamás será vencido”… ¿Unirnos? ¿Para qué? ¿Para luchar juntos por un gobierno “democrático”? ¿Por un gobierno “honesto”? ¿Por un gobierno obrero?, si ese es el fin de su revolución no me verán en ella.
Continue reading [México] Contra lxs izquierdistas “revolucionarixs” y lxs izquierdistas electorerxs

Visions, not blueprints: an open letter from an anarchist prisoner


A recent letter from U.S. anarchist political prisoner Connor Stevens who was entrapped by the FBI under the farce called the ‘war on terror’ and is serving prison time as part of the ‘Cleveland 4’. Give them some support.

“Visions, not blueprints: an open letter from an anarchist prisoner”

“We are an image from the future.”
— graffiti in greece, 2008
Continue reading Visions, not blueprints: an open letter from an anarchist prisoner

Reading and Discussion Event March 1st: The Interconnectedness of Anarchism, Veganism and Biocentrism.


On March 1st we will be hosting the first event we have had in a few months about Anarchism, Veganism and Biocentrism. We will be reading and reviewing “Revolutionary Ecology: Biocentrism and Deep Ecology” by Judi Bari. Some words we are hoping to discuss in are:
Continue reading Reading and Discussion Event March 1st: The Interconnectedness of Anarchism, Veganism and Biocentrism.

Alexey Sutuga Moved To Siberia


Russian anarchist and antifa prisoner Alexey ‘Sokrat’ Sutuga has been transferred from Moscow to Irkutsk in Siberia. This is because he is originally from there, but had been living in Moscow for many years. His mother had tried unsuccessfully to register him in Moscow so if he were to get moved, he would remain in the Moscow area. He is being currently transferred to Irkutsk with a stop in a prison in Chelabinsk as a journey takes many days.


Architecture et anarchie – Jean-Pierre Garnier


À l’heure où certains réaffirment, comme les maoïstes en leur temps, vouloir « reprendre la ville », se la « réapproprier » ou l’« auto-gérer », il paraît nécessaire de reproduire des textes comme celui-ci. Nous rappelant, à travers la question de l’architecture, qu’il n’y a rien à se réapproprier dans ce monde, et renvoyant à leur véritable origine – le citoyennisme – toutes les illusions participatives des démocrates en tout genre. Après tout, que viens faire le “re” de « approprions-nous la ville », « reprenons la ville » ou « reclaim the street ». À quel moment les villes nous ont-elles appartenu ? Lorsque l’humanité fut chassée de ses terres pour habiter les villes construites comme des camps pour fixer et concentrer la main d’œuvre sous bonne garde ? Nous les avons construites, oui, en des temps immémoriaux ou récemment, mais nous ne les avons pas dessinées, nous ne les avons pas pensées, et elles n’ont pas été construites pour nous servir, mais pour servir les puissants et leur maintien de l’ordre, donc pour nous asservir.

Continue reading Architecture et anarchie – Jean-Pierre Garnier

Κέρκυρα : Πρόγραμμα δράσεων αλληλεγγύης στους διωκόμενους κοινωνικούς αγωνιστές (20, 24, 26/02 και 02, 16/03)


Πρόγραμμα δράσεων αλληλεγγύης

Παρασκευή 20/2, 21:00
Continue reading Κέρκυρα : Πρόγραμμα δράσεων αλληλεγγύης στους διωκόμενους κοινωνικούς αγωνιστές (20, 24, 26/02 και 02, 16/03)