On March 24th 2014, four other CCF members, Haris Hadjimihelakis, Giorgos Polidoros, Gerasimos Tsakalos and Olga Ekonomidou, were moved to hospitals outside Koridallos prisons under heavy police presence.
Continue reading Athens: A total of six CCF prisoners, on hunger strike since 2/3, currently hospitalised (en/es/gr)
Monthly Archives: March 2015
Greek prisons: Anarchist prisoner Yannis Michailidis on hunger strike
On March 23rd, anarchist prisoner Yannis Michailidis, participant in the Network of Imprisoned Fighters (DAK), joined the hunger strike.
Continue reading Greek prisons: Anarchist prisoner Yannis Michailidis on hunger strike
Lamia, Greece: Kostas Gournas, on hunger strike since 2/3, currently hospitalised
Since yesterday, March 23rd, anarchist prisoner on hunger strike Kostas Gournas (convicted Revolutionary Struggle member) has been moved from the type C maximum security prison of Domokos to the provincial hospital in Lamia, where the conditions are indescribably appalling, the prisoners are placed in isolation room-cells, and communication with them becomes difficult if not impossible.
Continue reading Lamia, Greece: Kostas Gournas, on hunger strike since 2/3, currently hospitalised
Istanbul: Anarchist solidarity to the hunger strikers in Greek prisons (en/es)
Today [21.3.2015] in Kadıköy, we marched in solidarity with prisoners in Greek prisons, who have been on hunger strike since March 2nd and who fast to their death. During the march, we chanted slogans: “Destroy Prisons, Free the Prisoners”, “Wage Slavery System will end with anarchy”, “Greetings to the comrades who are fighting and have fallen”, “Insurrection Revolution Anarchy”. This action finished in a peaceful way, but if something happens to our comrades, we’ll turn the streets to hell.
Continue reading Istanbul: Anarchist solidarity to the hunger strikers in Greek prisons (en/es)
Eschborn, Frankfurt: Arson attack against power and communication lines (en/es)
The axis of the rabble has struck. We set fire with the intention of considerably impairing the power supply and the grid connection of the large data centres of Deutsche Bank, Commerzbank, Deutsche Börse [that operates the Frankfurt Stock Exchange], and many others in Eschborn.
Continue reading Eschborn, Frankfurt: Arson attack against power and communication lines (en/es)
Piedmont, Italy: Sabotage against the construction site of Milan-Genoa high-speed railway line (en/es)
Lamia, Greece: Dimitris Koufontinas, on hunger strike since 2/3, currently hospitalised (en/es)
Since yesterday morning, March 21st, hunger striker Dimitris Koufontinas (convicted 17N member) has been transferred from the type C maximum security prison of Domokos to the provincial hospital in Lamia, where he’s being held in a room-cell with no window. In addition to the miserable conditions, it becomes difficult, if not impossible, for supporters to communicate with any prisoner who may find themselves moved to this hospital.
Continue reading Lamia, Greece: Dimitris Koufontinas, on hunger strike since 2/3, currently hospitalised (en/es)
Snad ne poslední festival
Athens: Fivos Harisis, on hunger strike since 2/3, currently hospitalised (en/es)
“if you hated injustice, you’d tear down prisons”
Anarchist prisoner on hunger strike Fivos Harisis, participant in the Network of Imprisoned Fighters (DAK), has lost 12.8% of his body weight. On March 20th 2015, he was reportedly transferred to a hospital outside prison under heavy police presence, where physicians insisted on examining him in handcuffs. When the comrade refused to take in intravenous drip, he was returned to Koridallos prison, only to be readmitted to another hospital today 21/3, after a fainting episode.
Continue reading Athens: Fivos Harisis, on hunger strike since 2/3, currently hospitalised (en/es)
A bank robbery, some anarchists and the choice for revolt
A compilation of letters and texts of the anarchist comrades arrested in the case of the double bank robbery in Kozani (Greece) and the upcoming trial of 29th of November 2013.
Download A bank robbery, some anarchists and the choice for revolt in PDF.