Athens: ELF Arson Attack Against a Poultry Company

ΠΕΡΙΣΤΕΡΙ-Εμπρηστική επίθεση σε βιοτεχνία πουλερικών, στην οδό Αγίου Παύλου στο Περιστέρι.  με αποτέλεσμα να προκληθούν ζημιές σε τρία ΙΧ αυτοκίνητα.(Eurokinissi-ΣΤΕΛΙΟΣ ΜΙΣΙΝΑΣ)

On the evening of the Easter day, 12 to 13 of April, we attacked using 3 incendiary devices with time delay, aiming to destroy the building’s entrance and 3 vehicles (1 truck and 2 vans) belonging to a poultry company in Agios Pavlos Str. in Peristeri, as an action of solidarity with the imprisoned hunger strikers in Greek prisons.

Strength to all those who continue, to the imprisoned members of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and those who are recovering, having stood with dignity and consistency against the state and in this specific timing, against the left administrators and exponents of authority – who (and this is clear for all those who don’t connive) since the first day they gripped the governmental seats have made their intentions clear, with highlight, so far, the tactical administration of the hunger strike and the eviction of the occupied University’s of Athens deanery.
IMMEDIATE satisfaction of the hunger strikers’ demands:
Abolition of paragraphs 187 and 187A of the counter-terrorist law
Abolition of the hood-law
Abolition of type C prisons
Immediate release of the heavily handicapped Savvas Ksiros
Restriction of DNA use
We chose this specific target as we believe that practical opposition to the non-human animals commercialization industry cannot be excluded from the fight against the state, the capital and every kind of authoritarian superstructure. The practice of detention is the same, equally rejectable whether it has to do with human prisons – “correctional insitutions”, concentration camps or if it concerns structures of the meat and animal products industry.
The timing of our attack was no coincidence. It was a moment while the human-mass was still sunk in sloth, having done the previous days their bit towards the Church and the holy ghosts that haunt and define their very existence. Every temple of society, physical or mental, every mold, every stereotype, every habit that reproduces, feeds or just reflects the numerous faces of power, is worth nothing more than being crushed.
Such a habit is the meat eating which has been established the exact same way that the practice of nature looting is established as “normal”, as we notice it taking place in Skouries, Chalkidiki, Italy (NO-TAV) and every place in the world.
Through this action of ours we respond to the call of Chilean comrades, whose actions have given us smiles so many times. Strength to Nataly Casanova, Juan Flores and Guillermo Durán, who are on hunger strike since April 14th.
At the same time, we are sending our own signal of solidarity and complicity to all those charged, imprisoned and suffering repression, having found themselves on the attack lines of ELF and ALF.
We’ re sending out a call to every rebelled individual, every affinity group, every direct action cell, in order to intensify the attacks on all fronts, in any way they think suitable, by all means available.
Synapses of Ignition for the polymorphous anarchist struggle – ELF
Inter Arma