Italy: Text about the ongoing trials against anarchists


A leaflet handed out in Turin during the demo held on Thursday 23rd April 2015, the day of the start of the trial against anarchists


Today two actions of sabotage are on trial in Turin: the attack on a TAV yard in Chiomonte, of which Lucio, Francesco and Graziano are accused, and the attempted sabotage on an IBM nanotechnology research site in Switzerland, of which Costantino, Silvia and Billy are accused.

However little we care about the deadlines dictated by repression, they can be an opportunity to re-launch the solidarity with the struggles and practices carried out by the comrades on trial. As we stand outside the sterile liturgy and rules of courtrooms, we prefer to highlight what is common to the impulses of those who choose to act in first person, without delegating the urgency to resist the nocivity running through the existent, with or without a movement behind them.

Territories devastated by railway tracks, high voltage masts, nuclear power plants, military bases, gas pipelines and similar projects are the most obvious phenomena of the transformation and commodification of the existent, which is penetrating the very foundations of human communities, ecosystems and the living matter in a less immediate perceptible way.

In the Susa Valley they are trying to anthropomorphize and capitalize the entire valley through the intervention of the military.  In an elsewhere spread between public and private research centers, university campuses and multinational economic agents, the very foundations of the existent are being anthropomorphized, capitalized and patented, on genetic and atomic levels.

Capitalism, which has been dominating bodies and living matter through relations of power throughout history, is now invading them by means of so called convergent sciences: biotechnology, nanotechnology, neuroscience, computer science and robotics.

In the face of this the importance of actions of sabotage, besides in their immediate effect, expresses itself in the fact that sabotage brings an enemy that seems historical and unavoidable to a concrete and tangible dimension.

It is up to each of us to identify, in different struggles and everyday conflicts, the various manifestations of the enemy’s strategies: the increasingly pervasive control of urban spaces, the transformation of individuals into biometric algorithms and genetic codes, the neurochemical domestication of bodies and minds, technology applied to border control, the violent urbanization of the living in all its forms.

All our struggles against their world, solidarity with Lucio, Francesco, Graziano, Silvia, Costa and Billy.

For widespread resistance.

 Enemies of the mega-machine


Source: Act for freedom now!