EDL still trying to use Lee Rigby for their political gain


Several branches of the EDL are planning events ‘in memorial’ of Lee Rigby, despite his family specifically asking for his death not to be exploited by such groups.

Essex Antifascists are organising against Colchester EDL’s march to the war memorial. Last year a small group of fascists stood awkwardly at the memorial whilst heckled by antifascists pointing out how disrespectful it is to use someone’s name for things they didn’t agree with.

Far right groups should not be tolerated demonstrating in any place, no matter what their excuse. Come to Colchester on the 22nd to make it clear! More details coming up.

Britain First upset Lee Rigby’s family by using the slogan ‘remember Lee Rigby‘ on their ballot paper entry in Wales. The Electoral Commission admitted it should not have allowed the far right party this slogan.