Hamburg, Germany: 12.9. – United against Racism. Stop Nazis and their marchings!



Call out in Polish, Spanish, French, Czech, Russian, Italian, German (original)

On the 12th of September 2015 Nazis, right-wing hooligans and right-wing populists want to carry out a “Day of German patriots” in Hamburg, Germany; with which they want to resume and connect on the racist marchings of Hogesa (right-wing alliance of hooligans against salafists) and Pegida (right-wing alliance of „patriotic Europeans against the islamization of the Occident”).

Last winter ten-thousands of Pegida supporters showed their long existing racist potential openly on the streets. Furthermore, with the AfD (“Alternative for Germany”-party) the right-wing spectrum found an parliamentarian representation that – contrary to the NPD (“Nationalistic Party of Germany”) – is not (directly) associated with the NS.
Following the presence of AfD, Pegida and Hogesa there is a drastically increase in attacks against Refugees in Germany. According to ProAsyl there were 35 arson attacks and 118 cases of vandalism against Refugee-accomodations as well as 256 manifestations against Refugees and their accomodations.

Just as well in Hamburg and the neighboring states these tendencies can not be left out of attention. Since 2014 there is a racist mobilization against a Refugee-accomodation in Farmsen (neighborhood in Hamburg), while at the same time “upright citizens” in Harvestehude (another neighborhood in Hamburg) try to prevent the built of a Refugee-accomodation with juristic measures. In Escheburg and Lübeck (both towns in Schleswig-Holstein) in February & June 2015 arson attacks against Refugee-accomodations were commited.

The German and European governments failed in dealing with Refugees. In 2014 worldwide 60 Million people were trying to escape from miserability and missing perspectives – on which the Industry nations of the West also have an account for. Increasing european-”shield” and a harder deportation-regime are used as answers against masses of deaths during the escapes across the Mediterranean Sea.
Instead of a welcoming culture, politics of deterrence are being used.
Pegida, ‬HoGeSa, „‬Nein zum Heim“‬-initiatives (“no to HEIM”) and racist attacks can be seen as consequences of a political discourse that is reaching far into a middle-class camp or even arise from it.

Together with the HbgR (Hamburgs alliance against the right-wing) we are calling for protest against the marching of the Nazi-Hooligans.

Stop Nazis and their marchings!

Lets travel together to the HbgR-demonstration against the “Tag der deutschen Patrioten” from Pinneberg on the 12.09.2015.