#FreeFive, bloccare l’estradizione!


in queste ore cominciano ad arrivare i primi aggiornamenti da Atene in riferimento alla richiesta di estradizione per i 5 studenti greci accusati di aver partecipato agli scontri del 1°maggio 2015 a Milano in occasione della manifestazione No Expo. I giudici greci stamane si sono pronunciati per quattro studenti (il quinto ed ultimo sarà giudicato lunedì 11), rifiutando la richiesta della procura di Milano la quale si vede sfumare il tentativo di usare un mandato europeo per reprimere le lotte sociali.

Riportiamo qui sotto un resoconto delle giornate:

#45: 2015 Year in Review!




In our first episode of the new year, the Ex-Worker looks back over 2015 and its highlights, lowlights, and everything in between. We summarize some of the year’s key news developments, including tech developments and struggles around gender, anarchist publishing and media, a hilarious look at mass media coverage of anarchism, and our reflections on the last year of the podcast itself and our new year’s resolutions.
Continue reading #45: 2015 Year in Review!

Udine, Italy – 29-30/12/2015: Casa Pound premises attacked for a Black December


From the press of the regime (‘Messaggero Veneto’ online, 30th December 2015)
we learn that the Casa Pound premises in Piazzale Cella, Udine, were trashed. ‘Dicembre nero (A)’ [Black December] was written on the wall of a nearby shop.

Continue reading Udine, Italy – 29-30/12/2015: Casa Pound premises attacked for a Black December

Scotland: ATMs sabotaged in the wider area of Edinburgh


Scotland, Edinburgh, 22/12/2015:

At night of the 22/12 I sabotaged 3 ATMs in the wider area of Edinburgh. I used polyurethane foam to block all entrances and exits. This material expands and becomes solid after some time. In this way I attack the walls of my civilized existence. Wildness doesn’t exist in the ghost of Nature. The only thing that exists in something idealistic as this is the alienation of the civilized.
Continue reading Scotland: ATMs sabotaged in the wider area of Edinburgh

A Nahuel (Encarcelado En La ‘Operación Ice’) Le Impiden Mantener Su Dieta Vegana En Prisión, ¡Solidaridad!

black-and-white-beach-waves-picturesbeach-waves-in-black-and-white-picture-image-tumblr-m3wfatrg (1)

A Nahuel, preso en la cárcel de Navalcarnero, se el están vulnerando sus derechos fundamentales al impedirle desde esa prisión una alimentación adecuada a su dieta. Desde su ingreso en prisión no ha tenido acceso a una alimentación vegana, pese a las solicitadas realizadas. Esta situación es antijurídica, puesto que el Reglamento Penitenciario establece que a todos los presos se les ha de suministrar una alimentación acorde con sus creencias ideológicas. Por ello, familiares y amigos han redactado la carta para que quienes deseen ayudar a Nahuel, la puedan firmar y enviarla a dirección que aparece en la misma.
Continue reading A Nahuel (Encarcelado En La ‘Operación Ice’) Le Impiden Mantener Su Dieta Vegana En Prisión, ¡Solidaridad!

US prisons: A piece of mail from Brandon Baxter of the Cleveland 4


A Reintroduction and Some Thoughts on Terrorism, Language and Context, and Strategy

by Brandon Baxter #57972-060

Since our arrest in 2012 I have maintained a near radio silence public profile despite regular and sincere encouragement to share my thoughts and ideas through mediums such as this. This was done intentionally as I had, until this point, maintained a glimmer of hope that I’d be able to fight my case in court. Today I received notice that my latest efforts to appeal my conviction were shut down by the court.
Continue reading US prisons: A piece of mail from Brandon Baxter of the Cleveland 4

Barcelona: Ataque a agencia de viajes El Corte Inglés


La noche del 28 de Diciembre , el mismo día que detienen y citan a declarar a comisaría a diversas personas por piquetes realizados contra El Corte Inglés, atacamos las oficinas de la agencia de viajes de esta empresa situada en el recinto del Hipercor, cerca de la Avenida Meridiana, en el barrio de Sant Andreu.Todas las cristaleras del local fueron destruidas como respuesta directa a esta maniobra represiva orquestada por la Brigada de Información de los Mossos, con la finalidad de defender los intereses del grupo empresarial mafioso El Corte Inglés.
Continue reading Barcelona: Ataque a agencia de viajes El Corte Inglés