General Strike Action: Supermarket expropriation in Volos


During the General Strike of February 4th demonstrations and gatherings occurred all over Greece. While thousands marched in Athens and clashed with the cops in Syntagma numerous other gatherings were going on in many small and large towns and cities. One of the most dynamic reports of the day came from the city of Volos. As many as 200 people joined the anti-authoritarian bloc as part of the strike gatherings covering banks with slogans and intervening at the Syriza office with rocks as they passed.. After the demonstration a group of people headed to a Galazias supermarket in the centre of Volos and expropriated a number of useful items which they then shared out with people on the streets.

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Philly Antifa UPDATED: ALERT ALERT SATURDAY 2/6: Racists Rally in Reading, Misogynists/Rape Advocates Rally in Philly


Philly Antifa

UPDATED: It appears that Return of Kings have cancelled all their public meetups do to the strong likelihood of being totally annihilated. Its members will still be meeting in secret, so one can expect Anti-Fascists aren’t done with this yet.
Continue reading Philly Antifa UPDATED: ALERT ALERT SATURDAY 2/6: Racists Rally in Reading, Misogynists/Rape Advocates Rally in Philly

E’ uscito il n°1 del foglio anticarcerario Fibbia

Come nemici delle galere abbiamo deciso di far uscire “Fibbia”, un foglio anticarcerario in cui condividere lettere, riflessioni e aggiornamenti su alcune carceri del territorio emiliano e delle zone limitrofe. “Fibbia” nel linguaggio carcerario significa “parola criptata”. Questo foglio vuole essere uno strumento di comunicazione con chi si trova al di là di un muro, per favorire la divulgazione di
situazioni conflittuali che avvengono dentro le carceri.

Scarica Fibbia n°1