Argentina: Uranium Mine Blockade and Occupation, Two Years and Still Strong


On March 17, 2016, members of the Riojan Capital Assembly [ARC] remember and continue to perform their two-year blockade and occupation of land licensed for uranium mega-mining. Along with neighbors from Las Higuerillas, Las Cañas, Agua Blanca, El Duraznillo, and El Cantadero, they resist the provincial governor’s attempts to exploit land in Quebrada de Alipán, 12 miles from the capital of Rioja–the National Committee for Atomic Energy already had plans to begin their highly toxic and contaminating plans there.

Today, as for the past two years, we continue to fight in defense of our mountains, our water, for a healthy environment for all inhabitants of this soil, our offspring.

Today, as for the past two years, we stand up, alert against any social licensing of projects which destroy our Mother Earth. We forced a stop to their work plans; we continue to demand a halt to Riojan mining permits that put over 6,200,000 acres at risk.

Today, as for the past two years, we say NO to the political mega-mining mission of the current president Macri, just like we said NO to Kirchner, and surely we will continue saying NO to all those in power who try to plunder the earth in benefit of multi-national capital.

Today, as for the past two years, we reiterate that NO MEANS NO!! UNDERSTAND THIS!! YOU WILL NOT PASS!!

Riojan Capital Assembly, Cuyo Region- NOA-UAC, Civilian Assembly Union


from Asamblea Rioja Capital

interpreted by Earth First! Journal