[Grecia] Carta abierta de Pola Roupa sobre el intento de sacar a Nikos Maziotis de la karcel de Korydallos (es/it)


A continuación se muestra la primera parte de una larga carta de la compañera; originalmente publicada en griego en Athens IMC (8 de Marzo de 2016).

En otras circunstancias, este texto sería escrito por Lucha Revolucionaria. Sin embargo, el resultado del intento de liberar al compañero Nikos Maziotis de la prisión de Korydallos me obliga a hablar personalmente.
Continue reading [Grecia] Carta abierta de Pola Roupa sobre el intento de sacar a Nikos Maziotis de la karcel de Korydallos (es/it)

Solidarity letter from imprisoned anarchists comrades in Greece to Osman Evcan

Solidarity to Osman Evcan from Greece
Osman Evcan, who is imprisoned in the prisons of the Turkish state from 1992 and identifies himself as a vegan anarchist since 2003, is fighting a tough struggle for the rudimentary conditions of living, like the achievement of mail, telephone communication, information etc, with the main point being the vegan alimentation right. Since the 22th of February, he is carrying his 4th hunger strike for the same reasons, in a very short period of time from the last one, as they transferred him recently in L type prisons, losing everything he had achieved till now with his former exhausting hunger strikes.
We barely know him personally, but we cannot help but feel moved by the fact that in a country-war zone, an imprisoned comrade is choosing and insisting to raise the matter of total liberation of life from the shackles of civilization and authority. An imprisoned comrade who refuses to feed himself with corpses of animals, which have been tortured by the meat industry and all the derivatives of pain, who refuses to become a cogwheel in this bloodthirsty capitalist machine which is destroying and plunders the earth.
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La polizia arresta padre e sorella di attivista del KJA bruciata a Cizre


18 marzo 2016

Il padre e la sorella dell’attivista del KJA (Congresso delle donne libere) Berjin Demirkaya, Mevlüt Demirkaya e Mehtap Demirkaya sono state poste in detenzione questa mattina durante una perquisizione dei soldati.Berjin Demirkaya è stata bruciata a morte in uno dei seminterrati dell’atrocità a Cizre,distretto di Şırnak.
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Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – FAI/IRF: The Free Besieged (Greece)


Prison is a milestone in the revolutionaries’ path towards freedom. It’s an intermediary stop, but not the end.

The authority often chooses the subtraction from mathematics. Like when they subtract lives with bombings in the warzones of their energy-generating and geopolitical interests, like when they subtract refugees from the cityscapes, entombing them in isolated concentration camps, like they subtract the smallest crumbs of the underpaid wage slavery, beating more brutally with whips, bodies that have gotten used to rickets, like when they want to subtract everyone who defies them, by locking them up inside prisons…

In this way, every revolutionary anarchist is facing the biggest contradiction. They are fighting for freedom and yet they’re flirting with the captivity of the prison, they love life so much and yet death from the guards of authority wants to ambush them.

In these years that we are in prison, our steps have gotten used to be calculated inside the barbed wires, our eyes have learnt by heart every centimetre of these few cubic meters of the forecourt, but our minds have never been captured by the iron fences.

How can you let yourself capitulate, when you are facing on one side the provocative wealth of those in power and on the other side tearful eyes of a child at a concentration camp, on one side the mafia of the politicians, judges and journalists who are counting people like louses of the earth and on the other side men and women who are committing suicide because of the standoffs of the economic crisis, looking in garbage to find food, sleeping in the streets, on one side armies of happy slaves being dazzled from the storefronts and the screens of a fake life and on the other side the bad bevy of loneliness and silence being your only companion.
Continue reading Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – FAI/IRF: The Free Besieged (Greece)

Chile: Trial Set for Mapuche Brothers Accused of Arson, Robbery


April 12th is the date set for the trial hearing preparation against the brothers Fernando and Rodrigo Meliman, accused of robbery with intimidation and arson against the San Guillermo farm on June 28, 2015. [Allegedly] on that date, around 30 people went onto the Galilea’s farm property, where they proceeded to burn three sheds, one Backhoe, two tractors, and animal forage; they also spraypainting “Galilea get out” on the property.
Continue reading Chile: Trial Set for Mapuche Brothers Accused of Arson, Robbery

BASTARD Conference 2016


We are running a little late but, as you can probably imagine, finding a place to hold an anarchist theory conference isn’t as easy as it used to be. In our case it is as much about aging as it is about the horrorshow of land pricing but either way we now have a venue. The Omni Commons will be hosting the 2016 Berkeley Anarchist Students of Theory, And Research, & Development conference.
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Santiago: Lienzo colgado en pasarela de autopista en solidaridad con Mónica Caballero y Francisco Solar

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La noche fresca de la madrugada del dia jueves 10 de marzo del 2016, nos dirigimos a colgar un lienzo en solidaridad con lxs compañerxs Mónica Caballero y Francisco Solar, quienes en esos días enfrentaban con entereza y dignidad el juicio inquisidor del miserable estado español, en una pasarela de una ancha carretera por donde transitan miles de autos (o probablemente más) y donde miles de hermanxs no-humanxs son asesinadxs, ahí donde policías y gendarmes se movilizan y hacen sus traslados, ahí donde lxs eternamente pasivxs ciudadanxs trasladan su cuerpo en dirección al salario o agotadxs de vuelta de él, ahí donde nuestro espíritu se sentía vivaz y feliz por el pequeño gesto hacia nuestrxs hermanxs.
Continue reading Santiago: Lienzo colgado en pasarela de autopista en solidaridad con Mónica Caballero y Francisco Solar