Brandenburg, Germany: Huba’s trial on March 22nd at the court in Cottbus


background to Hambach forest activist Huba in jail:

Sara has been found guilty by the municipal court Cottbus (trial from the 29.01.16) to have committed shoplifting of goods of low value. The penalty has been extraordinary high, instead of the usual fine she has been sentenced to 2 months of prison. She gave notice of appeal against the verdict of the local court.
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Bombalara Karşı Sofralar: Taksim’de her Çarşamba sofralar ve atölyeler


taksim’de iki yıldan fazladır her Çarşamba market ve manavların çöpe ayırdığı yenebilir sebzeleri değerlendirerek herkesle paylaşan Bombalara Karşı Sofralar grubu, Mart ve Nisan boyunca sofraların yanı sıra üretim-tamir veya deneyim paylaşımına dayalı çeşitli etkinliklerin yapılacağını duyurdu.
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El origen e historia del “29 de marzo”, Día del Joven Combatiente


El origen e historia del “29 de marzo”, Día del Joven Combatiente

Este 29 de marzo se conmemora un nuevo “Día del Joven Combatiente”, una fecha que ha marcado a varias generaciones y que representa la lucha dada por una juventud en contra de una Dictadura, pero aún más, una lucha dada contra el miedo y la desidia, muy presente durante la permanencia del régimen totalitario y que simboliza la resistencia contra la tiranía. Sin embargo, la fecha, con ayuda de los medios de comunicación tradicionales, a lo que se ha sumado un proceso de despolitización y decadencia organizacional a cuestas, ha terminado desvirtuándose en esa caricatura recitada hasta la majadería denominada “Día del Joven Delincuente”, la que sin empacho ha sido utilizada para cambiar su sentido y para el oportunismo de una catarsis en donde cada quien -agentes del Estado incluido- cumple su rol como en una obra, siempre y cuando al día siguiente no se altere el modelo que impera. Sin embargo, poco y nada se habla de su real origen, de la historia detrás de la emblemática fecha y de su sentido profundo y político.

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Paris: And we broke everything


(End of the PS [Socialist Party] – Birth of our strength. Photos via Attaque.)

Communique via Nantes Indymedia on March 22nd:

Today, after a gathering that promised to be less worse than others – with its “more radical than me, you die” people, its students-dents-dents, its tiqqunists re-reconverted to the insurrection, its “but after all the students, the UNEF [National Union of Students] and the NPA [Anti-capitalist New Party] aren’t that bad” – we went to the demo. Those annoyed, numerous on the joyous march, destroyed adverts, put bins across the road and set them on fire, destroyed the 20 bank and insurance branches passed on the route, without forgetting around a dozen Post Office and RATP [Paris transport] trucks which had their windows exploded… this isn’t a complete list.
Continue reading Paris: And we broke everything

Calais: new squat in town, evicted same afternoon by riot cops


UPDATE: The squat was evicted this afternoon by 12 vans of riot police, a few hours after being announced in the morning. See report on the eviction here. 8 people have been arrested. The Calais authorities clearly intend to enforce their “zero tolerance” clampdown on migrant and other autonomous spaces in the town centre, and with hundreds of CRS now stationed in Calais they have the force to do so.

Continue reading Calais: new squat in town, evicted same afternoon by riot cops

Tijuana, México: Acción propagandística en solidaridad con Mónica Caballero y Francisco Solar

Se ha vuelto imparable la propagación del caos, ya no nos pueden contener más, el contador está listo para que estallemos en su civilización, no nos podrán parar jamás, les declaramos la guerra a su Estado, Capital, autoritarismo y su vida mecanizada, esto es el principio de su fin, sabotearemos, calcinaremos todo aquello con lo que nos someten, desde alguna trinchera de Tijuana.
Continue reading Tijuana, México: Acción propagandística en solidaridad con Mónica Caballero y Francisco Solar